Robin Wright

Robin Wright

Last updated on 28 September 2022

Robin Wright is Head of Australasia and Asia-Pacific for the DPC

In August earlier this year Australasia Preserves, a Community of Practice that supports the discussion of digital preservation in Australasia, collaborated with National and State Libraries Australasia to hold an online meetup session exploring Digital preservation frameworks, strategies, and policies.

The event attracted over 100 participants and provided an opportunity for participants to compare their experiences with others and consider different organisational approaches to digital preservation. The session included presentations from members working in digital preservation at the State Library of NSW, the University of Melbourne, and the National Library of New Zealand and gave an insight into the different contexts and digital preservation processes adopted by these organisations. It also included a group discussion where participants were able to share some of the challenges encountered with digital preservation and the support available from the community.

A blog post with further details of the event is available on the Australasia Preserves site and the presentations from the meetup can be viewed on the Australasia Preserves YouTube channel.