The DPC is governed by an Executive Board and is accountable to members through a Representative Council and a series of thematic Sub-Committees. It employs 13 staff.
Richard Ovenden OBE, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
Representative Council
The DPC Representative Council is formed of a delegate from each of our full members. It ensures that the DPC remains tightly focussed on its strategic plan, and that the strategic plan is relevant to members' emerging needs. It meets every three months, immediately before or after the Executive Board to receive and review the DPC's workplan and progress reports.
Executive Board
The Executive Board oversees delivery of the DPC strategic plan and is responsible for governance and compliance. It meets quarterly to receive reports on major risks and set forward financial plans. The Executive Board comprises 4 officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Financial Director, Executive Director); 4 Sub-committee Chairs (Advocacy, Workforce Development, Research, Management); and 4 'Ordinary' members. Directors are not representatives, they are required to act in the best interests of the DPC and have legal responsibilities for it. A register of directors interests is maintained to ensure neutrality. The Chair and Vice Chair are elected annually at the AGM, Executive Director and Financial Director are are ex-officio with continuous appointment. Other directors serve for a maximum term of 6 years (with an option to renew but only after one year hiatus), and are appointed subject to a competency-based recruitment framework.
Prof Jane Winters - Chair (December 2023)
Michelle Donoghue - Director for Workforce Development (April 2023)
Tim Gollins (March 2024)
Edith Halvarsson (March 2022)
Leslie Johnston (March 2022)
Tim Keefe - Financial Director and Chair of Management Sub-Committee (January 2018*)
Dr William Kilbride - Executive Director (January 2018*)
Kate Murray - Vice Chair (March 2021)
Roxana Maurer - Director for Research (October 2019)
Vicky Plaine (March 2023)
Paul Stokes - Director for Advocacy and Community Engagement (April 2020)
Dr Alicia Wise (April 2023)
Register of Directors Interests can be viewed here (member login required).
*Continuous appointments Ex Officio
The DPC has six Sub-Committees drawn from the membership which meet every 3 months or so. Each is charged with oversight of one or more of the DPC's strategic six goals. Each one is chaired by a Board director, has 6-12 member representatives and each one supports the work of a DPC staff member. The Sub-Committees make important decisions about the work of the coalition such as the awards of grants or review of funding proposals, and they have detailed involvement in the development of our workplan in each area.
Americas Stakeholder Group (Chair: Leslie Johnston)
Australasia Stakeholder Group (Chair: Vacant)
Advocacy and Community Engagement Sub-Committee (Chair: Paul Stokes, Director for Advocacy and Community Engagement)
Management and Governance Sub-Committee (Chair: Tim Keefe, Financial Director)
Good Practice Sub-Committee (Chair: Roxana Maurer, Director for Research)
Workforce Development Sub-Committee (Chair: Michelle Donoghue, Director for Workforce Development)
Sub-Committee membership is refreshed at the start of every calendar year.
See all Sub-Committee members.
Dr Amy Currie, Training and Grants Manager
Dr Andrew Jackson, Preservation Registries Technical Architect
Dr William Kilbride, Executive Director
Sharon McMeekin, Head of Workforce Development
John McMillan, Head of Administration and Finance
Sarah Middleton, Head of Advocacy and Communication
Jenny Mitcham, Head of Good Practice and Standards
Ellie O'Leary, Administration Manager
Michael Popham, Digital Preservation Analyst
Anna Perricci, Head of DPC Americas
Angela Puggioni, Community Engagement Manager
Karyn Williamson, Digital Preservation Analyst
Paul Wheatley, Head of Research and Practice
Robin Wright, Head of DPC Australasia-Pacific
Previous Office Holders
Kevin Ashley (Vice Chair 2012-2022)
Neil Beagrie (Secretary 2002-2003)
Dr Juan Bicarregui (Chair 2018 - 2023)
Frances Boyle (Executive Director 2008-2009)
Dame Lynne Brindley (Chair 2002-2006)
Reg Carr (Vice Chair 2002-2005)
Maggie Jones (Secretary 2003-2006)
Patricia Kernaghan (Vice Chair 2011)
Patricia Killiard (Vice Chair 2012)
Bruno Longmore (Vice Chair 2006-2010, Acting Chair 2009)
Laura Mitchall (Chair 2013-2017)
Ronald Milne (Vice Chair 2005- 2006, Chair 2006-2009)
Richard Ovenden OBE (Chair 2009-2013)
Najla Semple (Secretary 2006-2007)