
Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Create. Choose Your Content

Choose / Create your content

Use this to decide what you will collect and identify where it will come from

 Selecting your content  What to collect What to keep
Organise Your Content

Organise your content

Use this to make your collections easily accessible

Naming conventions File Structure Using a system
Who Does What

Who does what

Use this to make sure everyone knows their roles and responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities - on a page More detailed roles and responsibilities Annual review of roles and responsibilities
Understand Your Content

Understand your content

Use this to document what content you have and where it is stored

What and where your content is Find this information Digital Asset Register
Keep Your Content

Keep your content

Use this to keep your storage in working order and accessible

Storage review Storage Options Storing your content
Control Your Content

Control your content

Use this to ensure you can always access your content

Exit strategy How to talk to suppliers Check your contracts
Make Copies

Make Copies

Use this to decide how you will make copies of your content

Back up your content offsite The 3 - 2- 1 rule Check your copies
Plan to share

Plan to share

Make sure you have the right documentation to allow you to provide access to your content

Prepare for access  Permission to share The rules of access
Preserve your website

Preserve your website

Ensure the long term preservation of your website by submitting it for archiving

Submit your URL to be archived Make your website archivable Archive your website
Safeguard Your Content

Safeguard your content

Create a succession plan in case your organisation closes

Plan for the Worst – Expect the Best  The More Information, the Better  Cybersecurity