This section is about the management of legal social and cultural rights and responsibilities, compliance with relevant regulation and adherence to codes of ethics related to acquiring, preserving and providing access to digital content. 

British Geological Survey

As per UKRI/NERC data policy, BGS aims to make all data openly available insofar as possible. There are safeguards in place for sensitive and commercially restricted data, including agreed embargo periods and access restrictions.

British Geological Survey Digital Preservation Policy (2020)

The Postal Museum

Ownership, provenance, and intellectual property rights will be ascertained and documented at the point of acquisition.

Access conditions, copyright and/or rights are adhered to when managing, preserving, and providing access to digital content. Appropriate practices are established to manage personal and sensitive data, and compliance with data privacy regulations.

Access to records will be subject to the 20-year rule.

Copying for preservation or access will be carried out in line with relevant copyright legislation.

The Postal Museum Digital Preservation Policy (2022)

University of St Andrews

Access conditions, copyright and other rights will be adhered to when managing, preserving and providing access to digital content. Appropriate practices are established to manage personal and sensitive data, in compliance with data protection laws.

University of St Andrews Digital Preservation Policy (2021)