The core recommended headings cover key information you may wish to capture in your DAR. The list is not, however, exhaustive in terms of the information you could capture and you may wish to expand on the headings depending on how you will use your DAR and they types of content and processes you have at your organizations. This page has a list of additional headings you may consider including in your DAR Template. As with the core recommended headings, these have been drawn from a collection of in-use DARs.

Heading Name

Alternative Name(s)

Suggested Format




Text using a set list of terms

A rating of the importance of the content, e.g. vital, high usage, key asset, etc.

Related Collection(s)

Associated Series/Collections, Parent Collection


The name of related content groupings, whether digital or analog. May include a link to catalogue records or accession numbers.

Asset Type


Text using a set list of terms

The type of digital content, e.g. born-digital, digitized, mixed, etc.




A brief description of additional content expected to be received in the future.

File Formats


Text using a set format

A list of the file formats included within a group of digital content, e.g. JPG, DOCX, DXF, XLSX.




A summary of any issues relating to encryption. Details for individual files can be stored in file manifests.

Storage Type

On Prem/Cloud

Text using a set list of terms

The type of storage used for the main copy of the content. This might include options such as: Archive Drive, On Premise Storage, Data Tape, Cloud


Copy Locations


Details of additional copies of the content and where they are stored. This can include basic information about back-up procedures.

Media Formats


Text using a set list of terms

A list that specifically identifies any physical media types that content is stored on, e.g. external hard drive, USB drive, CD-RW.

Physical Media Location



Information on where physical media containing digital content is stored. This information could be captured in the Storage Location field, but you may also wish to separate out physical locations to make this information easily accessible.

Unreadable Media



Details of any unreadable physical media that is included in the digital content. This may be due to issues such as a lack of equipment or errors when attempting to access the media.

Storage Notes



Notes on the storage of the content that do not fit under any other heading.



Text using a set list of terms

An indicator of the priority level of the content for processing and/or preservation. This might be a simple Yes/No or use levels such as High/Medium/Low.

Accompanying Metadata



Details of any metadata provided with the content and where it is stored.

At Risk



Is the content currently at risk?

Risk Score



A numerical representation of the risk level of the content to facilitate sorting and prioritization by risk level.

Preservation Planning



A summary of preservation plans that have been developed for the content. This may include a link or file location for specific plans.

Preservation Actions



A summary of preservation actions that have been carried out on or for the content. This might include format migrations or emulators that are available.

3rd Party Preservation



Details of any preservation responsibilities that have been deprecated to a third party. For example, where preservation is carried out by a partner organization, a national data repository, or a 3rd party service.

Meets Minimum Metadata



Is the digital content accompanied by the minimally required metadata as established by your organization's internal standards?

Virus Checked



Has the content been virus checked since it was received.




Has the content been catalogued?




Has the content been appraised?

Suitable for a Volunteer



Is the content suitable to be processed and/or catalogued etc. by a volunteer?

In Repository



Has the content been ingested into the organization's digital repository?



Numeric or Text

A number or description of files that have been deleted after appraisal or a retention period has expired.

Disposal Date


Date using a set format

The date that content was deleted.

Access Level


Text using a set list of terms

A description of the level of access that is currently provided, e.g. Open access, not accessible, limited content accessible, embargoed

Access Copies



Details of any access copies that are available and/or a pointer to their storage location