Your Name:  

Group Representative 

Community Group Name  

Bowburn Local History Society  

Focus of Community Group  

Our focus is on the history of Bowburn, in County Durham, and surrounding area. 

Bowburn is a former colliery village, whose pit (Bowburn Colliery) produced coal from 1908 till 1967. 

Type of Records held  

Digital content which has been created via digitisation 

Size of collections in GB  

Unknown at present 

How did you get involved with your community group? 

Our focus is on the history of Bowburn, in County Durham, and surrounding area. Bowburn is a former colliery village, whose pit (Bowburn Colliery) produced coal from 1908 till 1967. 

How do you collect material for your collections? 

We have a dedicated room in the local Community Centre in which we have a collection of books, maps, photographs and memorabilia.  We have tried to digitise photographs, maps and written information, using a laptop belonging to the group. 

What processes are in place to manage and process your collections? 

The biggest challenges are technical know-how and funding – lack of, in both cases! – but also time. We rely on the goodwill of our small number of active members to maintain a   catalogue of what we have in our collection. We were recently (in 2023) helped by some volunteers from Durham University to restore order and update our catalogue, after a period of disorganisation during the pandemic.  This help was greatly appreciated. 

How do you preserve your collections? 

We have no particular strategy in place – just a hope that new members will in due course be recruited to carry on our work.