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Digital Collection

The digital content held by your group. More than one digital file relating to the same topic is a digital collection.

Digital Content

Digital content is any digital file, record or item held by your group in a digital format


The stages a record goes through when it is being processed for long term use and access. 


Information about the digital content you hold. Also known as data about data.

Storage Medium

The place your digital content is stored on. This could range from a laptop or PC, to a USB stick or SD card, to a cassette tape or cloud storage.

Web Archiving

The action of preserving webpages from the internet.

The Internet Archive 

The Internet Archive is a non-profit organization that provides free access to a digital library of cultural artifacts and historical collections.

UK Internet Archive 

UK based web archiving programme run by the British Library.


A web archiving programme that can be used from within a google chrome web browser.

Web Crawl

The act of browsing the web automatically and methodically to index or download content and other data from the web. The software to do this is often called a web crawler.


Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives the creator of an original work the right to control who can copy or share it.

A fuller glossary of digital preservation terms can be found at https://www.dpconline.org/handbook/glossary



Digital Preservation Coalition. A UK and Ireland based organisation active in digital preservation and responsible for the Digital Preservation Toolkit for Community Archives.


Digital Preservation Coalition - Rapid Assessment Model - A digital preservation maturity modelling tool that has been designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability and facilitate continuous improvement over time.


Digital Asset Register - A DAR is a tool for gathering information about digital content to support an understanding of the digital content held by an organization, and to facilitate efficient management of its preservation.


General Data Protection Regulation - A law that governs how personal data of individuals in the European Union (EU) is processed and transferred. The GDPR is considered the world's strongest privacy and security law.


The National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) is an international organization that works to preserve digital heritage.


Our Heritage, Our Stories - Towards a National Collection spoke project focused on the landscape and fragiliy of community archives and their digital content. This toolkit was created as part of the OHOS project.


The National Archive of the UK.