Completed projects

Safeguarding the Nation’s Digital Memory

In 2020-1 the Digital Preservation Coalition engaged in a project with The National Archives and the University of Warwick to establish a collaborative approach to manage digital preservation risk and bring statistical risk management methods into the digital heritage sphere.

Safeguarding the Nation’s Digital Memory created a structured evidence base to map and explain risk and developed a tool (DiAGRAM - the Digital Archives Graphical Risk Assessment Model) to enable archivists to prioritise threats and select suitable actions to mitigate them.

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FAIR Forever: Long Term Data Preservation Roles and Responsibilities

The FAIR Forever study was commissioned by the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Sustainability Working Group and funded by the EOSC Secretariat in 2020 (grant agreement number 831644) to assess the current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the preservation of research data across EOSC, and the feasibility of establishing shared approaches, workflows and services that would benefit EOSC stakeholders.

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Reliable, Robust and Resilient Digital Infrastructure for Nuclear Decommissioning

NDA final logo BlackIntially conceived as a two year partnership (starting November 2018) between the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC), this project was subsequently extended for another two years and completed in February 2023.

The NDA is charged with the complicated task of decommissioning and cleaning the seventeen principal nuclear energy plants in the UK, a task accurately described as the largest and most important environmental restoration programme in Europe. The extended life cycle of the programme, set alongside robust commitments to security, integrity and safety, means the NDA approaches its work with a profound commitment to long-term information management, ensuring the right information is available to the right people in a format they can use and with the confidence that it can be trusted. Therefore, amongst its many challenges, the NDA is by default required to become a trusted leader for information management and digital preservation.

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Jisc Research Data Spring Long Term Preservation Analysis and Recommendations

The DPC examined the challenges addressed, and results of, the second phase of the Jisc Research Data Spring projects. It provided recommendations on how the work can be enhanced from a digital preservation perspective prior to the projects continuing on towards a third and final development phase in early 2016. Visit the Jisc Research Data Spring Long Term Preservation Analysis and Recommendations wiki for more information.

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timbus logo green 75dpiTIMBUS was a research project co-funded by the European Commission. It addressed the challenge of digital preservation of business processes and services to ensure their long-term continued access. TIMBUS analysed and recommended which aspects of a business process should be preserved and how to preserve them. It delivered methodologies and tools to capture and formalise business processes on both technical and organisational levels. This included their underlying software and hardware infrastructures and dependencies on third-party services and information. TIMBUS aligned digital preservation with well-established methods for enterprise risk management (ERM), feasibility and cost-benefit analysis, and business continuity management (BCM). Visit the TIMBUS website for more information.

Project highlights:

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aparsen-logoAPARSEN was a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission, which ran from January 2011 to December 2014. DPC had responsibility for the 'APARSEN Training' work package and had a range of interests in other elements of the network. During the course of the project the DPC coordinated 6 training events, including 2 week-long summer schools. Visit the APARSEN website for more information.

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