The creation of this guide was a collaborative effort, beginning with a series of focus groups with DPC Members, designed to discuss and brainstorm the topic of digital preservation documentation. Much of the content of this guide articulates the ideas shared by Members in these sessions. Focus group participants also helped develop the text of the guide by commenting on drafts and providing case studies.

The DPC is grateful to the following Members for their participation in the focus groups and input into the development of this guide:

  • Matthew Burgess, State Library of New South Wales

  • James Doig, National Archives of Australia

  • Taryn Ellis, State Library of South Australia

  • Carey Garvie, State Library of Victoria

  • Bryony Hooper, University of Sheffield

  • Herve L’Hours, UK Data Archive

  • Kiki Lennaerts, Netherlands Sound and Vision

  • Rachel MacGregor, University of Warwick

  • Roxana Maurer, Bibliothèque nationale du Luxembourg

  • Kieron Niven, Archaeology Data Service

  • Laura Peaurt, University of Nottingham

  • Jaana Pinnick, British Geological Survey

  • Ziggy Potts, Art Gallery of New South Wales

  • Irina Schmid, American University in Cairo

  • Kristen Schuster, King's College London

  • Paul Stokes, Jisc

  • Lucy Wales, British Film Institute

DPC staff members Sharon McMeekin, Jenny Mitcham, Ellie O’Leary, Michael Popham, Paul Wheatley and Robin Wright were also involved in focus group discussions and/or the production and publication of this guide.

Participants at the first focus group session on 24th February 2023

Participants at the second focus group session on 6th March 2023