What Next resource list cover 1

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This toolkit has provided a series of basic practical guidance to get you started on your digital preservation journey. If you would like to learn more about a particular topic or build on the processes you have already put in place, the resource list below is a good place to start. It has been split into the toolkit topic sessions for ease of searching.  


General Guides - The resources here give an overview of a range of digital preservation tasks 

Novice to Know How – Digital Preservation Coalition 

Novice to Know How is an online digital preservation training basics course. The course covers basic digital preservation policy and procedure and gives guided demos of some software options. 

Tech Watch Reports and Guidance Notes – Digital Preservation Coalition 

These are a series of reports and guidance notes on a wide range of digital preservation topics. They are in depth and can be quite technical in language and topics covered. 

Digital Preservation Handbook – Digital Preservation Coalition 

The Digital Preservation handbook is a how- to guide for all things digital preservation. 

Community Owned digital Preservation Tool Registry (COPTR) 

COPTR helps practitioners find tools needed for long term digital preservation tasks. It describes 611 tools and 36 workflows. 

Workflow: Community Owned Workflows 

Specific area of COPTR where practitioners upload their workflows for others to see and learn from or implement in their own groups. 

Digital Repository of Ireland Guide to archiving digital records for volunteer and community groups 

Guide for volunteer, grassroots and community groups, created to assist them with cataloguing and preserving their digital records. 

Choose/ Create Your Content 

Digital Curation Centre Appraisal Guidance 

Guidance on how to select the content that will form your digital collections. 

The National Archive UK Suggested Collecting Policy Elements 

Guidance on possible elements that you may want to include in your collecting policy. 

Organise Your Content 

Harvard University – File Naming Conventions 

Guidance and examples relating to how to name your files. 

Dalhousie University Archive File Structure Guide 

Simple explanation of how archival hierarchies are used. 

Navigating Art Levels of Description Guide 

Information and examples relating to archival hierarchies and levels of description. 

Who Does What 

Digital Preservation Coalition Preservation Policy Toolkit 

Toolkit to help you create a digital preservation policy. 

Digital Preservation Competency Framework and Audit Toolkit 

Toolkit with practical advice and guidance on how to make sure all group members are well trained to do the role they are doing. 

Understand Your Content 

Digital Preservation Coalition Digital Asset Register Training 

In dept training focused on why you should and how to create a digital asset register. 

Dublin Core Specification 

The complete standard and information about Dublin Core, the file information standard used in level 2 of this topic. 

Scottish Council on Archives – Getting Started with DROID 

A tutorial showing you how to use DROID. DROID is a file identification tool that provides you with information about your files that you can transfer into your digital asset register. It is easy to install and use.  

Keep Your Content 

The National Archive UK Preservation Workflows 

Guidance on storage and how to transfer your content to a new storage medium safely. 

Scottish Council on Archives Getting Started with Fixity Pro 

A tutorial showing you how to use Fixity Pro. Fixity Pro is explained in level 3 of this topic. 

Control Your Content 

The National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Good Migrations Checklist 

A list of things to do and issues to consider when moving digital materials and metadata to new digital preservation systems. 

Digital Preservation Coalition Procurement Toolkit 

Toolkit providing practical advice on guidance on the steps to take when looking at new software systems. 

Make Copies 

Scottish Council on Archives Getting Started with Teracopy 

Tutorial showing you how to use Teracopy. Teracopy is a tool which allows you to safely make and transfer copies of your digital collections. 

Plan to Share 

Naomi Korn & Associates Copyright Resources 

A range of easy-to-understand resources about Copyright. A good place for beginners to start. 

Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Copyright Training 

A range of resources focused on Copyright 

UK Information Commissioners Office GDPR Guidance and Resources 

Up to date advice and resources to help you navigate GDPR regulations and sensitive data sharing. 

Creative Commons Licensing  

Advice on licensing your created content so it can be shared and with no restrictions. 

Preserve Your Website 

ArchiveWeb User Guide 

User Guide for ArchiveWeb browser extension from level 3 of this topic 

ReplayWeb User Guide 

User guide for the software required to play the files created using ArchiveWeb outside the browser extension (once the files are downloaded).  

Stanford University Website Archivability Guide 

A guide to creating web pages which are easier to archive using web archiving methods. 

Archive Ready Tool 

An online tool which evaluates if a website will be archived correctly by web archives, such as the Internet Archive. 

Safeguard Your Content 

The National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Levels of Digital Preservation 

Technical matrix which describes different levels of preserving digital content. 

Webcomic about password creation 

Comic strip that gives advice about creating passwords. 

Digital Preservation Coalition Rapid Assessment Model 

Model that allows you to benchmark your progress across a range of digital preservation topics. Level up with RAM contains a range of useful resources related to all of the topics in this toolkit.