This section of the Procurement Toolkit describes 10 core requirements for a preservation system that can provide a starting point for requirements development or be used as tool for assessing current systems or as a communication tool.

The aim of this work is to simplify and enhance digital preservation system procurement for both the procurer and for 3rd parties responding to procurement exercises. Organizations procuring digital preservation systems may adopt these core requirements as a starting point and then focus on identifying additional functionalities important to them (perhaps specific to their own organizational context, types of content to be managed, existing technological landscape or certification route). This work may also be used as an educational tool, for example where a practitioner may need to communicate why a typical IT system might not meet the needs of long-term preservation.

  • Core requirements for a preservation system ( download )

    • German Translation/deutsche übersetzung der Kernanforderungen für ein digitales Langzeitarchivierungssystem von Jens Ludwig, Bundesamtes für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung (BASE) (download)

  • Core requirements mapped to DPC RAM ( download )

  • Core requirements worksheet ( download )


 These requirements have been created in conjunction with the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.