Organise Your Content

The More Information, the Better 

The more information you can provide to those taking in your collections, in what is sure to be a stressful and worrying time, the smoother the process will be. Having the following information to hand should it be needed will take away some of the pressure and allow you to focus on any other tasks that need to be completed.  

Information to add to the document you created in level one could include; 

  • Collections information – information on size, formats, topics etc. 

  • Any platform passwords. 

  • Where and how you currently provide online access. 

  • Details of people who work with the collections and their responsibilities 

  • If the collection is being split, details of where the other parts will be going with contact details. 

  • Any permissions or access restriction information (for example, about copyright or personal data). 

  • Your Collecting Policy, created in step 1, which will give an impression of the focus of your collections 

Working through the other topics and levels in this toolkit should provide you with a lot of helpful information. Keeping all this information together in an admin folder on your computer and printing a copy in case of issues will also be helpful. 

This template gives you a place to log all the information you collect. 

Next Steps Assuming that you and your group will be the ones working with your content for a long time, it is important to think about the security of the environment your records are in and what you can do to make your content as safe as possible. Level three looks at the steps you can take to achieve this.  

Next Steps 

Assuming that you and your group will be the ones working with your content for a long time, it is important to think about the security of the environment your records are in and what you can do to make your content as safe as possible. Level three looks at the steps you can take to achieve this.  

 Safeguard Your Content case stdy image