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More Detailed Roles and Responsibilities

A basic list of the roles and responsibilities within your group is a useful tool, but the more information you can provide to those who may take over in the future, the better.  

In addition to the tasks and responsibilities you documented in level one, you may also want to think about adding,  

  • A secondary person responsible for each task (should the first become unavailable). 

  • A section to your document that includes password information for any systems and software used. Passwords need to be secure, but when working as part of a group, more than one person must have access to passwords to ensure no data or access is lost. Password manager software is also available as a more secure option. 

  • An annual review date to make sure any changes are logged and dealt with in a timely manner. 

It is also important to make sure that this document is available to others within your group. Many community groups don’t survive due to a single point of failure.  

Next Steps 

Now you have a full roles and responsibilities document in place and accessible to your group, it is important to regularly review the document to keep it up to date and relevant to your work. Level three provides more detail on how to do this.