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The DPC's Supporter Program is designed to facilitate better and more meaningful communication between members and solution providers on ‘neutral’ ground, and in a way that all parties work more closely, effectively and harmoniously.

The DPC’s Board recognises the need for an environment where Supporters and members can collaborate and learn from each other. Vendors and solution providers already contribute much needed commercial perspectives into the DPC’s discussions on an ad hoc basis, and Supporter status provides further insight into the requirements of our members.

Download a copy of our Supporter program for full details of the opportunities, activities and benefits planned for the next 12 months.

Costs and Benefits of Supporter Status

Supporters are asked to commit to three years’ sponsorship but may pay annually. Organisations taking up this status within the first 12 months will be eligible for an Introductory Offer as follows: 

Supporter contribution




12 months

Supporters will be:

  • Listed equally on the DPC website and acknowledged on relevant publications

  • Provided with agreed DPC branding to be used on Commercial Supporter websites

  • Invited to a fixed number of Briefing Days per year

  • Provided with previews and draft outlines of DPC Technology Watch Reports and other published output

  • Invited to annual trade fair / horizon scan meeting with DPC members

  • Offered an annual ‘show and tell’ webinar

  • Invited to send new starts to ‘Getting Started’ and ‘Making Progress’ training events without charge

  • Given priority access to anonymised outcomes of annual DPC member review and feedback on member needs

  • Invited to insert a question or theme into the annual DPC members’ review

*the DPC Supporter Program is accessible to agencies of all types and sizes on an equitable basis. Therefore:

  • Larger agencies, such as global technology companies, conglomerates and groups, with more than 250 employees or with a listing on relevant stock market indices will be invited to participate but with a surcharge which recognises the size of the company.

  • Sole traders, micro-agencies which operate on a charitable basis, and companies who offer purely open-source solutions, may apply for a discount which ensures they are able to participate equitably.

  • New entrants into the digital preservation market, whether new or existing agencies, with products or services relevant to the digital preservation community may apply for a discount on a trial basis provided they can meet the other requirements.

Funds raised by DPC Supporters will be used in first instance to support grants to members for training and staff development as well as the Annual Student conference, to subsidise training workshops or to sponsor DPC membership for charities and not-for-profits.


The DPC Supporter program is open to organizations which have established relationships with the digital preservation community. We seek recommendations from our members about providers of digital preservation services, solutions, tools or consultancy whose values are aligned with those of the DPC. Applications for DPC Supporter status will be subject to review by the DPC Board, drawn from its members and prospective supporters will be asked for business information to ensure the fee matches the size and nature of their company.

Conditions of Support

Supporters are asked to abide by the following values and principles in their dealings with the DPC and its members. 

Supporters should: 

  • Not claim their relationship with the DPC represents any kind of endorsement

  • Not abuse attendance of events for commercial gain

  • Recognise the need for DPC members to discuss and debate in confidence without commercial influence

  • Respect that DPC governance, planning, budgeting or editorial processes is reserved for Full and Associate Members, except by invitation

 Supporters breaching these principles may have their status withdrawn with no refund of fees provided. 

Application for Supporter Status

To apply send a completed Application Form to the DPC Business Manager for assessment and approval by the DPC Board. Upon approval by the Board, the DPC will issue the relevant documentation and materials for completion.

Supporter status is subject to ongoing assessment by the DPC Board, and a review every 12 months.

Apply for Supporter Status