Watch the Ceremony

In an exciting finale to the Digital Preservation Awards 2024, organisations and practitioners of digital preservation from around the world gathered together for a glittering presentation ceremony on Monday 16th September 2024, at the iPRES 2024 conference in Ghent, Belgium! Watch the ceremony now:

See photos from the awards ceremony

Meet the Winners

Collaborative models of care: preserving Australian First Nations digital cultural heritage 

 DPA2024 CCWinner CollaborativeModelsofCare
2024 Winner of the International Council on Archives Award for Collaboration and Cooperation
presented by Gustavo Castaner and April Miller

Collaborative Models of Care was designed to provide a ‘best-practice blueprint’ for non- First Nations professionals wanting to contribute their digitisation and digital preservation skills, knowledge and expertise towards the care of digital cultural heritage held by and produced in Australian First Nations communities. Originally designed by Rebecca Barnott-Clement in the role of Digital Preservation Analyst and subsequently supported by Coby Edgar of Agency Projects, the project involved digitisation of archival assets for Bula’Bula Art Centre and the completion of a DPC RAM assessment (a tool to assess an organisation’s digital preservation maturity) for Bula’Bula Art Centre and Milingimbi Art Centre.

Watch interview with Rebecca Barnott-Clement

Watch the finalist video to find out more

Improving access to and sustainability of the Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC)

2024 Winner of the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) Award for Research and Innovation
presented by Lisa Griffith and Arif Shaon

The Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC) holds records from 1,370 small languages, mainly audio recordings made since the 1950s. It has 16,000 hours of audio in 230 terabytes of material in 428,000 files stored in Amazon S3. This year’s initiative is to move all items to Research-Object Crate format. RO-Crate allows the whole collection to contain self-describing items so makes it more durable over time, and less reliant on a catalog that is at risk of failure, with consequent metadata loss. This also means they can then be delivered on wifi from a Raspberry Pi device, even in remote offline locations.

Watch interview with Julia Miller

Watch the finalist video to find out more

Study group Bits and Bots for building digital skills

 DPA2024 TCWinner BitsandBots
2024 Winner of the Dutch Digital Heritage Network Award for Teaching and Communications
presented by Marjolein Steeman and Matthew Burgess
Bits and Bots is a study group teaching digital archivists coding skills, currently focussing on Python and front-end development. The group is open to all and everyone, including the organisers, are learning together as a community instead of in isolation. Digital skills are increasingly important to digital preservation and it is not surprising that “Computer Programming” is listed as one of the skill elements in the Digital Preservation Coalition’s Framework. Coding can be daunting, Bits and Bots tackles this challenge, making learning fun by teaching coding through the creation of games. The community consists of 47 members from 5 continents.

Watch interview with Susanne van den Eijkel, Francesca Mackenzie and Lotte Wijsman

Watch the finalist video to find out more

Claudia Muñoz with Preservación de documentos digitales: el caso de Wikimedia México / Preservation of digital records: the case of Wikimedia Mexico 

 DPA2024 StudWinner ClaudiaMunoz
2024 Winner of the CLOCKSS Award for the Most Distinguished Student Work in Digital Preservation
presented by Alicia Wise and Thomas Ledoux

Mexican NGOs work on a wide variety of social problems related to technology, gender, violence, and support for social causes. However, their information and history, produced and disseminated in digital formats, are at risk because the organizations lack adequate digital preservation strategies to ensure the permanence and access of their information in the long term, which is aggravated by problems such as the digital divide or lack of budget. Therefore, Wikimedia Mexico, an NGO that promotes free access to knowledge, is taken as an example to establish digital preservation strategies according to its characteristics and context.

Watch interview with Claudia Muñoz

Watch the finalist video to find out more

NHS research records: Reducing Risk 

 DPA2024 CITSWinner StBarts
2024 Winner of the Research Data Alliance Award for the Most Outstanding Digital Preservation Initiative in Commerce, Industry and the Third Sector 
presented by Hilary Hanahoe and Mihaiela Donisa

Barts Health NHS Trust has implemented a specialist digital archive that ensures records from clinical trials are preserved, accessible and usable for their whole retention period (mainly 25 years). This service is now being extended to other NHS Trusts who are finding it difficult to procure an archive themselves; thus helping to preserve data within wider healthcare research and raising awareness of digital preservation in this area. Barts is at the forefront of digital preservation for research study records as this is a complex and challenging environment that is just starting to generate discussion.

Watch interview Sandra Blake and Jennifer Dando

Watch the finalist video to find out more

DDLD – Living Archive 

 DPA2024 LegWinner DDLD
2024 winner of the Award for Safeguarding the Digital Legacy
presented by Sonia Ranade and Jo Ana Morfin

DDLD – living archive is the first and only repository preserving and cataloguing the work produced by killed journalists in Mexico. Over 163 reporters have been killed in Mexico since 2000. However, their work is largely unknown and faces the risk of disappearing, either because it was published in websites that lost their domain with the death of their founders or because their content was taken down from social media. Through the DDLD – living archive, over 19,000 published news pieces from 83 journalists killed in Mexico between 2000 and 2023 have been preserved.

Watch interview with Alejandra Ibarra Chaoul

Watch the finalist video to find out more

Gladys Kemboi

 DPA2024 Fellow GladysKemboi
20244 Winner of the DPC Fellowship Award
presented by Barbara Sierman and Nathan Tallman

Watch the acceptence video from Gladys Kemboi


Find out more about all of the Digital Preservation Awards 2024 Finalists 

ICA Award for Collaboration and Co-operation:

  • Collaborative models of care: preserving Australian First Nations digital cultural heritage

  • Kip-Agenge: Reimagining Partnerships for Digital Preservation Keiyo Indigenous Knowledge for
    Future Generations

  • NDSA Staffing Survey Working Group

Digital Repository of Ireland Award for Research and Innovation:

  • Digital Archiving: Storage media prioritization methodology and tool

  • Disentangling Digital Preservation Risk with CHARM

  • Improving access to and sustainability of the Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC)

  • Play It Again: Preserving Australian Videogame History of the 1990s




Dutch Digital Heritage Network Award for Teaching and Communications: 

  • Dungeons and Documents

  • Preserving Books for Future Generations

  • Study group Bits and Bots for building digital skills

The National Archives (UK) Award for the Most Distinguished Student Work:

  • Nicole Savoy with Assessing the Condition of Net Art Using Emulation as a Service (EaaS)

  • Alex Habgood with Bish Bash Backup: A Blog about converting metadata to PREMIS

  • Claudia Muñoz with Preservación de documentos digitales: el caso de Wikimedia México / Preservation of digital records: the case of Wikimedia Mexico

  • Nicole Hartland with Web Archives for All? Towards Equitable Access to UK Public Sector Web Archives



The National Archives (UK) Award for Safeguarding the Digital Legacy:

  • catalog of tools for digital preservation

  • DDLD – living archive

  • Digital Pasifik - Preserving stories, knowledge and tāonga

  • National Digital Newspaper Library of Mexico: preservation of digital heritage

RDA Award for the Most Outstanding Digital Preservation Initiative in Commerce, Industry and the Third sector:

  • ‘A Lovely Day for Digital Preservation’: Guinness Archive adverts project

  • Cloud-based holistic digital preservation at HSBC

  • NHS research records: Reducing Risk

The DPC would like to thank our international panel of judges and all sponsors for their continued support in ensuring the Digital Preservation Awards can continue to recognise and celebrate achievements in the field of digital preservation. 

Matthew Burgess

State Library of New South Wales

Hilary Hanahoe,
Research Data Alliance (RDA)

April Miller

World Bank Group

Marjolein Steeman

Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed / 
Beeld en Geluid

Gustavo Castener Marquardt

International Council on Archives 

Haliza Jailani

National Library Board Singapore

Jenny Mitcham


Nathan Tallman

Academic Preservation Trust

Fatima Darries

University of South Africa (UNISA)

William Kilbride


Jo Ana Morfin

Memórica - 
Archivo General de la Nación

Melissa Terras

University of Edinburgh

Mihaiela Donisa

Bank for International Settlements 

Nicola Laurent

Australian Society of Archivists 

Sonia Ranade

The National Archives UK

Heather Tompkins

Library and Archives Canada / 
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada 

Lisa Griffith

Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI)

Thomas Ledoux

Bibliothèque nationale
de France (BnF)

Arif Shaon

Qatar National Library

Jessica Venlet

National Digital Stewardship Alliance / 
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Gali Halevi


Roxana Maurer

Bibliothèque Nationale
du Luxembourg

Barbara Sierman

Jaye Weatherburn

University of Melbourne