Your Name:  


Community Group Name  

Aldermaston History Group   

Focus of Community Group  

Aldermaston History Group was founded in 2018 to advance the understanding and sharing of historical information, photos and artefacts about the Aldermaston area. 

Type of Records held  

Digital content stored on community website. 

Size of collections in GB  


How did you get involved with your community group?  

The group was formed following a Jubilee celebration exhibition in Aldermaston Parish Hall in 2017, where a number of people had undertaken research on local history topics. It was felt that this research should be preserved and made easily available, so the idea of a digital archive evolved and was developed into a successful National Lottery bid for funds to develop a website. 

Aldermaston History Group is a non-profit membership group; we charge an annual subscription which is designed to cover the cost of website hosting and maintenance, and potential cost of speakers for our quarterly talks, hosted in a room generously provided free of charge by the local pub. 

How do you collect material for your collections?  

 Several members of the newly formed Aldermaston History Group had extensive physical archives which were uploaded to the website and items were allocated individual archive numbers. 

What processes are in place to manage and process your collections?  

Using the Lottery funds, Aldermaston History Group were able to commission CommunitySites to deliver a website, with elements of customised visual design, incorporating CommunitySites established cataloguing and search software. 

How do you preserve your collections?   

 CommunitySites have hosted the Aldermaston History website since its inception in 2019, including providing hosting upgrades. 

We have developed good working relationships with the team at the Royal Berkshire Archives, West Berkshire Heritage and other local history groups. We are currently evolving a donations policy to deal with physical artefacts which we are occasionally offered.