Organise Your Content

Exit Strategy

Having your digital collections locked into a particular system, app, service, or website can be a huge risk. Especially if that system or service is closed down, or you simply want to move it elsewhere. 

A common example is the use of Facebook groups by community organizations. They are relatively easy to setup and engage an audience, but if digital photos and other information is collected on a Facebook group, it’s very hard to extract that information so that it can be shared or preserved elsewhere. 

It is therefore critical ensure that any software, system, or website that you use has a clear exit strategy that details how you will get your data back if you decide to stop using them.  

Just One Thing 

If you decide to use a system to manage, preserve, or provide access to your content, make sure you understand the process to get your information back. This information should be included as part of any contract you sign. If it is not there, do not sign the contract and reassess your options. 



Next steps… 

It is important to verify that you can successfully extract content before committing to using a particular system. Level 2 will explore how you can do this, what to look for as an adequate exit strategy and how to document it. 

 Control Your Content Case Study Image