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Access, Use and Reuse


DP and Artificial Intelligence - A Four Point Plan

In June 2024 I was invited to give an opening keynote on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Preservation to a workshop of around 200 librarians organized by the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), sponsored by the IFLA Information Technology Section, the IFLA IT Special Interest Group in Artificial Intelligence and IFLA Preservation and Conservation Section.  The workshop had the theme ‘AI and the future of digital preservation’ and my own presentation was followed...

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World Digital Preservation Day stickers now available to order!

Update: Due to an overwhelming response, we've temporarily closed the possibility to order stickers. Please check the other possibilities to participate in World Digital Preservation Day 2023 on!  

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Defining the Designated Community: New DPC Technology Watch Guidance Note now available on general release

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has made the next in its series of Technology Watch Guidance Notes, Defining the Designated Community by Christian Keitel (State Archives of Baden-Württemberg) and Jenny Mitcham (DPC), available on general release today after an exclusive one-month Member preview.

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£5.8 million project to deliver a more sustainable future for Open Access books

The Digital Preservation Coalition and Members are part of a new project that works to increase access to valuable research and is to receive more than £5.8 million in funding. Led by Lancaster University, the Open Book Futures (OBF) project will develop and support organisations, tools and practices that enable both academics and the wider public to make more and better use of books published on an Open Access basis. Open Access books can be accessed and used online free of charge.

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DPC Technology Watch Guidance Note: A new case study on understanding user needs

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has made a new Technology Watch Guidance Note on Understanding user needs: A case study from the National Library of Scotland by Chris Fleet available on general release today, following a 1-month DPC Member preview. Access is an important element of digital preservation workflows and ultimately information is preserved so it can be used: so, understanding what users need is a key aspect of successful digital preservation. This case study is a...

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DPC shares French translations of two Technology Watch Guidance Notes on World Digital Preservation Day

[Une version française suit] Adding to a range of other translated resources, the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to share translations of two Technology Watch Guidance Notes: Preserving Databases and Developing an Access Strategy for Born Digital Archival Material. Now available in French, the Technology Watch Guidance Notes complement the DPC’s popular Technology Watch Report series and are designed to be a ‘bite-sized’ papers containing information about the specific...

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Title: Preservation Digitisation Project – Digitising the Tasmanian Archives audio visual collection

Karin Haveman is Acting Manager Government Archives and Preservation at the Tasmanian Archives and Digitisation Services Coordinator In February 2021, Libraries Tasmania launched the Preservation Digitisation Project – a major collaborative project that brings together Digitisation Services, System Support and Delivery, Government Archives, and the Community Archives teams. The aim of this project is to digitise our Tasmanian film, sound, and video collections for long-term...

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Digital preservation at the National Library of Australia

Libor Coufal is Assistant Director for Digital Preservation at the National Library of Australia We are very mindful that it has been (not quite all, but mostly) quiet on the NLA communication front in the last several years, while we have busily worked on implementing our digital preservation program. Our attendance at this year’s iPres (our first since 2014) was a great opportunity to pause and reflect on the progress we have made. We would like to update the community on what we have...

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Member preview of new DPC Technology Watch Guidance Note: A case study on understanding user needs

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has released a Member Preview of a new Technology Watch Guidance Note on Understanding user needs: A case study from the National Library of Scotland by Chris Fleet today. Access is an important element of digital preservation workflows and ultimately information is preserved so it can be used: so, understanding what users need is a key aspect of successful digital preservation. This case study is a real-world example of how this has been done at one...

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Benchmarking Access at National Archives of Australia

Rowena Loo is the Director, Digital Archives Innovation and Research at the National Archives of Australia. Access – it’s the end goal of all digital preservation activity and the true test of our digital preservation efforts. After all, if no one’s going to access it, why preserve it? If it’s not technically possible to access it, how can we claim it’s been preserved? However, it’s all too easy to focus on the more immediate challenges of transfer, ingest and file format preservation,...

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DPC Launches Beginners Guide to Computational Access

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is pleased to announce the launch of Computational Access: A beginner's guide for digital preservation practitioners for a one-month member preview today.  Computational access is a term that is mentioned with increasing frequency by those in the digital preservation community. Many practitioners are aware it might be helpful to them (and their users) but do not have a handle on what exactly it entails, how it is best applied and where to...

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Keeping it FAIR: Providing Access to Reusable Data at the Archaeology Data Service

Olivia Foster is Digital Archives Officer at the Archaeology Data Service in York, UK Staff at the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) have been busy over the last year archiving the data deposited with us, collaborating with partners and rolling out the new OASIS online archaeological reporting system. Digital preservation is one of the core activities of the ADS and as a digital archive we preserve and make publicly accessible archaeological and heritage data in our archives and the ADS...

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Record, upload, archive... repeat

Vera Ferreira is Depositing Officer for Endangered Languages Documentation Programme, BBAW in Lisbon, Portugal and Leonore Lukschy is Programme Administrator & Communications Officer for Organisation: Endangered Languages Documentation Programme, BBAW in Berlin, Germany Homepage of the Archive of Languages and Cultures of Ethnic Groups of Thailand (

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Records from the sea of islands: The Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC)

Nick Thieberger works for the Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC) and the University of Melbourne The distance between major population centres in the Pacific makes it difficult for residents of the sea of islands to access records in their languages. Even if records are stored in national museums or cultural centres, that can be some distance from most of the population. As the internet becomes more widely available, connection to these...

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Ethics of Access: Technology Watch Guidance Note available for Member preview

The DPC has released the next in its series of Technology Watch Guidance Notes on Access to digital collections. The new Guidance Note entitled Exploring ethical considerations for providing access to digital heritage collections by Lisa Smith, Jenny Wood, Greg Oakes and Madalyn Grant, is available as a one-month DPC Member preview from today.

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Developing an Access Strategy for Born Digital Archival Material: Technology Watch Guidance Note available for Member preview

The DPC has released the next in its series of Technology Watch Guidance Notes on Access to digital collections. The new Guidance Note, entitled Developing an Access Strategy for Born Digital Archival Material  by Brian Dietz and Shira Peltzman, is available as a Member preview from today. “The goal of digital preservation is access, and yet it's an area that has been historically underexplored,” Shira explains. “This resource provides some basic guidance for practitioners to help...

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Understanding User Needs: Technology Watch Guidance Note on Access to digital collections available on general release

The DPC has released the next in its series of Technology Watch Guidance Notes on Access to digital collections. The new Guidance Note entitled Understanding User Needs by Sharon McMeekin is available to the digital preservation community from today. Understanding User Needs provides a pragmatic approach to conducting and interpreting a user needs analysis, whilst highlighting the importance and significance of the results.

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Understanding User Needs: DPC publishes next in Technology Watch Guidance Note Series on Access to digital collections.

The DPC has released the next in its series of Technology Watch Guidance Notes on Access to digital collections. The new Guidance Note entitled Understanding User Needs by Sharon McMeekin is available as a one-month Member preview from today. Understanding User Needs provides a pragmatic approach to conducting and interpreting a user needs analysis, whilst highlighting the importance and significance of the results.

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A foot in the door is worth two on the desk

Shibboleth I am asked, from time to time, how to persuade management that digital preservation matters. It’s a puzzling question in context and content. For a start, I am not sure I have ever persuaded anyone of anything. I have been on hand when people persuaded themselves but that’s not the same thing. It’s like finding the fire brigade at the scene of every major fire and assuming they are to blame. Moreover, I am not sure it’s possible to offer a global shibboleth for digital preservation...

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