Rapid Assessment Model

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Maturity Modelling


New DPC resource ‘Level-up with RAM’ now available on general release

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has made the resource Level-up with RAM available on general release today. Designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability, the DPC RAM is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool which is applicable for organizations of any size in any sector, and for all content of long-term value. First released to DPC Members 6 months ago, this new companion resource is designed to help organizations work out...

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Level Up with RAM: New DPC resource supports progress in digital preservation maturity

The Digital Preservation Coalition has released a new resource designed to help organizations Level-up with RAM and move forward in their digital preservation capabilities using the DPC Rapid Assessment Model (RAM). Designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability, the DPC RAM is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool which is applicable for organizations of any size in any sector, and for all content of long-term value. With a 6-month DPC...

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Benchmarking with DPC RAM: Results of member survey 2022

This online members-only event will be held on the 17th of August from 6:30am to 7:30am UTC (click for local time). Introduction The DPC’s Rapid Assessment Model is a maturity modelling tool for digital preservation. With the concept of continuous improvement at its heart, it is considered to be of most value when used regularly to check in on progress and adjust targets. The DPC therefore encourages members to carry out a self-assessment using DPC RAM on an annual basis, and members are...

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DPC RAM: Levelling up

Silvia Gallotti is an Archivist at the LSE Library. The past In 2019, my colleague Fabi Barticioti, LSE Digital Assets Manager, completed the DPC Rapid Assessment Model (RAM) to assess the status quo of LSE Library digital preservation. Fabi wrote a very useful blog post about this, where she also encourages colleagues to use this model. At the time, the Library had only just acquired the DAMS and appointed a Digital Assets Manager. Based on digitised collections only, 6 out of 11...

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DPC Rapid Assessment Model: Turkish translation now available!

[Türkçe versiyonu aşağıdadır] The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to share a Turkish translation of its Rapid Assessment Model (RAM), with thanks to Dr. Özhan Sağlik at Bursa Uludağ University in Turkey and Nathalie Defne Gier and Mustafa Ergül at Koç University in Turkey who generously donated their time to make the resource accessible. Now available as a PDF download in Turkish, the second edition of the DPC RAM is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool that has...

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RAM FAQ for DPC Members

On this page we provide answers to the questions that DPC Members have asked us about using DPC RAM. If you have any other questions you think we should add to this list, please let us know.   What support can I get for completing a RAM self-assessment? All DPC members are eligible for advice and support on their annual RAM assessment from the DPC. We can talk through your assessment with you, discuss your target levels and answer any questions you might have. Do contact us if you...

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Further resources and case studies

Case studies Here are some examples of how DPC RAM has been used by members of the community to help track their progress in digital preservation. If you have a example of DPC RAM in action that you would like to share please contact us: Assessing where we are with digital preservation (2021) - a blog post from Fabiana Barticioti, Digital Assets Manager at LSE Library. From 'starting digital preservation' to 'business as usual' (2021) - a blog post from Anna McNally, Senior...

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How was DPC RAM developed?

How was it developed? The model is primarily based on Adrian Brown's Digital Preservation Maturity Model (published in Practical Digital Preservation: a how-to guide for organizations of any size, 2013). This model was developed with the following guiding principles in mind. It aimed to be: Applicable for organizations of any size and in any sector Applicable for all content of long-term value Preservation strategy and solution agnostic Based on existing good practice Simple to...

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DPC Rapid Assessment Model: Italian translation now available!

[segue la versione italiana] The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to share an Italian translation of its Rapid Assessment Model (RAM), with thanks to Giulia Brecciaroli at the British Library and Elena Nepoti at Imperial War Museums in the UK who generously donated their time to make the resource accessible.

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Unprecedented times

Hania Smerecka is Archivist at Lloyds Banking Group I sat down to write this during a violent flurry of Whatsapp pings - friends discussing fresh instructions to work from home. I’m not sure how the latest announcements make me feel. Nervous probably, but lucky too, as we got through the last two years safely, adapted, and are in pretty good shape to face whatever is coming.   Our Preservica cloud instance had not yet gone live when Covid first hit the news. We were still finding our...

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DPC Rapid Assessment Model: Japanese translation now available!

日本語版が続きます The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to share a Japanese translation of its Rapid Assessment Model (RAM), with thanks to volunteer contributors. Now available as a PDF download in Japanese, the second edition of the DPC RAM is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool that has been designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability. “When we first released DPC RAM just over 2 years ago we had no idea it would be...

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DPC Rapid Assessment Model: New language versions now available!

[français à suivre / español a seguir / português a seguir] The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to share translations of its Rapid Assessment Model (RAM) in French, Portuguese and Spanish, with thanks to volunteer contributors around the world.

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5 tips to rock the RAM

Kimberley Harsley is an Archivist at the Natwest Group. The introduction of the DPC’s Rapid Assessment Model (RAM) in 2019 came at a perfect time for me. Still reasonably new to NatWest Group Archives, it was a great opportunity for me to learn more about our digital preservation work whilst contributing to it. This month, I revisited the RAM to assess how far we’ve come since then. I found it much easier the second time around as I was more familiar with the content and the archive itself....

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DPC RAM (version 2) - what has changed and why?

This week, version 2 of DPC RAM, our Rapid Assessment Model was launched (including a new DPC RAM logo courtesy of Sharon McMeekin). This blog post describes what has changed and why.   When DPC’s Rapid Assessment Model was first launched in September 2019 we were aware that future revisions would be required to keep it up-to-date. In an evolving field like digital preservation, good practice develops over time and the models by which we measure ourselves should also change...

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DPC RAM 2.0 now available!

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) relaunches an updated version of its Rapid Assessment Model (or DPC RAM) this week. Designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability, the DPC RAM is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool which aims to be applicable for organizations of any size in any sector, and for all content of long-term value.

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Previous Versions of DPC RAM

Previous versions of DPC Rapid Assessment Model are available below: Version 1 Version 1 (2019) - The DPC Rapid Assessment Model - the full model and worksheet The first version of DPC RAM was officially launched in September 2019 in the Lightning Talks session of the iPRES conference in Amsterdam and with the following blog post: Introducing the DPC RAM Version 1 translations: Français  - Grille d'évaluation rapide (French) 日本語  - デジタル保存連合...

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The Postal Museum’s Case Study of the DPC Rapid Assessment Model

Helen Dafter is the Archivist for The Postal Museum in the UK The Postal Museum cares for the records of Post Office Limited and Royal Mail Group. These records range from employment records, through records of the Great Train Robbery, to digital records capturing the organisational response to the Covid 19 pandemic. My role focuses on developing the museum’s digital preservation capacity. I’m always interested in new tools to support this, especially if they help me articulate what I...

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DPC RAM Webinar

Having a clear idea of the current state of your digital preservation capabilities can greatly aid how you plan to enhance your capacity and operations. The DPC’s Rapid Assessment Model (RAM) is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool that has been designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organisation’s digital preservation capability. The DPC invites everyone interested in benchmarking their digital preservation capabilities to attend this webinar, which will include an...

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Benchmarking the DPC using RAM - webinar

DPC's Rapid Assessment Model (RAM) was launched as a DPC Member benefit in September 2019. More information about DPC RAM including a recording from an introductory Members-only webinar can be accessed on the DPC RAM web pages. In this Member's only webinar the DPC will summarise DPC Member engagement with RAM and present anonymised statistics and analysis collected from DPC Members.  There will also be ample opportunity for Q&A, discussion and feedback on DPC RAM. DPC Members...

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From ‘starting digital preservation’ to ‘business as usual’

Anna McNally is Senior Archivist at University of Westminster in the UK The University of Westminster’s Records and Archives team manage the institutional records of the University (founded in 1838), alongside the deposited records of several architects and town planners, and a garment collection (the Westminster Menswear Archive). We started actively managing digital records in 2016 but, in a relatively fast-paced area (compared with paper records!), it’s hard not to always think...

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