Organise Your Content

Naming conventions

Naming files is important, not only so you can find them again, but also so anyone accessing the records can easily find what they are looking for.  

How you name your files will depend on the content you have, but in general, file names should be as short as possible while clearly identifying the record. You can also include dates in the file name if this is useful but use the same date format for very record (for example 28112012 or 28th Nov 2012). 



Just One Thing 

Decide how you want to name your files and use this method to name every digital file you collect. Write down the method you have chosen and make everyone who will be naming records aware.  

This document contains advice about deciding on and implementing name and date conventions. 


Next Steps 

Naming all your files in a similar style is the first step of using Naming Conventions. Level two will take this one step further and provide details on how to structure your files to make them more accessible. 

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