Organise Your Content

The 3 – 2 – 1 Rule 

Keeping a copy (or copies) of your digital content is a great step towards keeping your content safe. But just in case the unthinkable happens and the original digital file and the copy become unusable in some way, it’s best to have contingency in place. The 3 - 2 - 1 copy rule offers more piece of mind that at least one of your copies will be safe. This rule is described in more detail below. 

The 3 – 2 – 1 rule is simple- 

 3 copies of each file On 2 types of storage medium With at least 1 copy offsite

In an ideal world, using the 3 – 2 – 1 rule, you will make three copies of each file you have. These copies will then be split and stored on different storage mediums, for example, one on an external hard drive and two copies in cloud storage. At least one of these copies will be held off site. In this example, cloud storage ticks this box, but if you store your content on a laptop and an external hard drive, the external hard drive should be stored in a separate location from the laptop so the two cannot be damaged at the same time.  

Storing files in this way does mitigate risk to your content, but it is not always possible. As many copies as you can manage stored separately from each other is still good digital preservation.  

Next Steps 

Now that you have several copies of each file, your content is automatically better protected. However, it is still important to carry out regular checks on your content to keep it accessible and usable. Level 3 will tell you more about how to do this.