The Python Study Group Program

Effective digital preservation needs ongoing, continuous development of various skills. In particular, scripting and coding skills are necessary to effectively support and develop digital preservation tasks and workflows. Despite this recognized need, digital preservation practitioners often describe this as a gap in their skillset and point to difficulties to identify relevant training opportunities for developing these skills to the extent that they can be practically and meaningfully used. 

The main purpose of the BitCurator Consortium (BCC) and Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) Python Study Group (PSG) program is to provide a regular and effective training program and community of peer-to-peer learning focused on developing scripting and coding skills that can be practically and meaningfully applied to digital preservation activities and workflows.   

The main aims of the program are to:

  • Support the community

  • Develop skills

  • Build capacity

  • Collaborate

The Python Study Group Launch and Information Session took place in October 2023 (recording available below). 

The first study groups began in January 2024, meeting on a monthly basis over a six-month period. The second cycle followed, with groups meeting from July to December 2024.

The Python Study Group program is currently on hiatus to review impact and viability, with the evaluation of the program overseen by the PSG Governance Group.

How can I get involved?

The Python Study Groups welcome participation from BCC and DPC members as well as the broader digital preservation community.

However, to keep numbers manageable, there are a finite number of places in the study groups. There will be priority places set aside for DPC and BCC members as well as a limited number of places for those who are not currently members of these organizations (see Python Study Group Terms of Reference ).

Please note that the study groups are currently on hiatus. An announcement on the future of the program is planned for Spring 2025. Should you have any questions in the meantime, please email sharon.mcmeekin[at[ or amy.currie[at]

Program Mentors and Governance Group Members

There are different ways to participate in the Python Study Groups Program! You can join one of the study groups as a participant, or help form the program by becoming a Governance Group Member. We are also actively seeking Program Mentors to help support study groups.

Read more about the different roles.

Terms of Reference 

Python Study Group Terms of Reference


About the BCC

The BitCurator Consortium (BCC) is an independent, community-led membership association that promotes sustainable curation of born-digital materials by any organization responsible for caring for such materials. The Consortium is building a community of organizations that support practitioners responsible for digital archiving and preservation work, especially through the application of free and open-source tools. Activity is conducted remotely and membership is open to all. 


About the DPC

The DPC is an international charitable foundation which supports digital preservation, helping its members around the world to deliver resilient long-term access to digital content and services through community engagement, targeted advocacy work, training and workforce development, capacity building, good practice and standards, and through good management and governance. Its vision is a secure digital legacy.


