The DPC’s Rapid Assessment Model (DPC RAM) is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool that has been designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability and facilitate continuous improvement over time. 

The DPC RAM model and a spreadsheet for recording and visualizing results can be downloaded here.

Further resources relating to DPC RAM include an introductory video explaining what the model is and how to use it, a 'Level up' resource which provides tips for moving forward with each section of RAM, an FAQ and benchmarking information for DPC Members, and further resources and case studies showing how RAM has been used in the digital preservation community.



An introduction to DPC RAM.
Watch this short video to find out more about DPC RAM and how to use it.


Download DPC RAM

Download RAM and associated resources.

Get a copy of DPC RAM, a worksheet to enter your results and a template to use to create a forward plan. Translations of DPC RAM will also be available here.


Level up with RAM

How to level up with DPC RAM.
Find a range of useful tips, resources and case studies to help you make progress with each of the sections of DPC RAM.

DPC icons questionmark

FAQ for DPC Members 

DPC Member questions answered.
Find out how the DPC uses DPC RAM with its Members, what support you can get from us and what we do with the information you share with us.



Compare your RAM assessment with other DPC Members (DPC Members only).
Use these statistics and reports to see how your RAM assessment compares with other DPC Members.


Further resources and case studies

A list of additional resources and case studies relating to DPC RAM.
Use this to find out how others have used DPC RAM.

Suggested citation of current version

Digital Preservation Coalition (2024). Digital Preservation Coalition Rapid Assessment Model (DPC RAM). Version 3.

Last updated

March 2024

Date of next planned review


This model was originally developed in conjunction with the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.


Do contact us with comments and feedback to help us improve DPC RAM.