Organise Your Content

Roles and Responsibilities - on a page

It’s essential to have clear roles and responsibilities when working with digital content. By agreeing and documenting the roles and responsibilities within your community group, you can avoid duplicating work, enhance teamwork and effectiveness, and (perhaps most importantly) ensure that any critical activities are always addressed. Staff or volunteers will come and go, and it is important that key responsibilities are understood by all and passed on to someone who can continue to carry them out. 

Community groups have historically been good at ensuring some of these key roles are addressed. For example, having a chairperson to give overall leadership and direction or having a Treasurer to ensure someone is responsible for managing finances. In the digital age, there are new and critical responsibilities that should be addressed. These include: 

  • Performing backups of digital collections 

  • Paying for website hosting 

  • Ensuring documentation is up to date 

  • Making sure cybersecurity is addressed 

Just One Thing 

Simply document your key tasks, and who is responsible for them. This is a powerful way of managing the effectiveness of your group over time. 

  This template will help you to do this. 

Next steps… 

An annual review of roles can ensure that this information remains up to date, relevant and effective. The next level provides a more detailed guide to managing your group’s responsibilities, knowledge and skills.