As described in the Strategic Plan 2022-27 ,  "The DPC’s vision correlates closely to the UN Sustainable Development Goals of ‘a better and more sustainable future for all people and the world by 2030’. We have explicitly mapped our values and objectives to these goals, both in what we do and the leadership we seek to provide. The DPC will act on its values and be transparent with respect to how they have been implemented." To enable us to meet these goals, the DPC maintains necessary policy documents, clearly and openly stating the organisation's commitment to issues such as privacy, inclusion and diversity. Those policy documents can be found below.

Climate Action Plan

This document is the first full draft of the DPC’s Climate Action Plan. It draws together different strands of our work into a single document. Climate impacts are ubiquitous across the DPC’s program and could therefore be overlooked and become opaque. We therefore seek to bring these together into a unified structure of reporting and oversight which will enable greater transparency and promote continuous quality improvement.

View our draft Carbon Footprint Calculation for 2023/24 .

Inclusion and Diversity Policy

The DPC is committed to encouraging diversity in the digital preservation community and to ensuring an inclusive experience for all those who engage with the issues we work to address. The 'Inclusion and Diversity' sets out the steps the DPC will take to encourage diversity and inclusion in the digital preservation community.  Our website has been accessibility audited and we are constantly working to improve accessibility to the activities and resources we offer.

Privacy Policy

The 'Privacy Policy' offers transparency about how personal data will be handled by the DPC, in compliance with GDPR.

Translations Policy

DPC resources are predominantly in English although they are of universal relevance. The translation of DPC material into other languages is therefore a vital way of supporting the digital preservation community across the world, and a key part of the DPC’s internationalization strategy. The Translations Policy describes the essential practices and processes for the provision of translations. It accompanies the DPC’s Translations Strategy that sets out the DPC’s plans for identifying, translating and making available a set of DPC resources in different languages. The purpose of this policy is to describe the essential practices and processes for the provision of translations. 

Discover DPC resources in other languages other than English