A digital preservation policy doesn’t exist in isolation, it should sit within a wider landscape of strategy, policy and procedure. This is particularly the case for organizations that manage hybrid collections (with both physical and digital elements) or those with policies relating to information management or information security.

Referencing related documents is a helpful way of acknowledging their presence and relevance, whilst ensuring that your policy is concise and focused on digital preservation (not duplicating information that can be found elsewhere).

Ensure that the key relevant documents are signposted, but know where to draw the line. A good candidate for inclusion will be a related document that would in turn benefit from linking back to the digital preservation policy. Making this section too long may decrease its usefulness.

If listing several documents under this section you may want to include some order in the list, ensuring that the most important documents are highlighted first.

Where related documents are available online, include links to help readers of your policy locate them easily.

Example policy statements

British Geological Survey Digital Preservation Policy (2020) - the 'relationship to other policies and documents' section links to a range of policy, strategy and operating procedures.

Archaeology Data Service Preservation Policy (2022) - the 'supporting documents' section of this policy is quite lengthy, but includes both policy and procedural documentation from the ADS itself as well as it's host organization, the University of York.