This section includes principles around ensuring that digital preservation functions and activites are appropriately resourced, staffed and supported.

Topics that might be mentioned in your policy principles include statements relation to resourcing, staff training and advocacy activites. For example:

University of the Arts London

The long-term preservation requirements of digital materials are understood by UAL. UAL has invested in the technical infrastructure required to carry out preservation of its digital collections and has committed to a digital preservation system for an initial period of 5 years, which it is committed to reviewing. Digital preservation activities will be planned and implemented in ways that best manage current UAL resources and can be sustained into the future.

University of the Arts London Archives, Museum & Special Collections Digital Preservation Policy (2019)

British Geological Survey

The support of BGS senior management is required to maintain staffing, develop skills levels and secure long-term funding in order to carry out preservation activities.

British Geological Survey Digital Preservation Policy (2020)

University of St Andrews

The University will ensure that adequate resourcing is provided to support the long-term sustainability of digital preservation activities, including documenting approaches and solutions and ensuring that this documentation is kept up to date.

The University will actively raise awareness of digital preservation issues and highlight inconsistencies in approaches across the University and will provide training, where appropriate.

University of St Andrews Digital Preservation Policy (2021)

 Bodleian Libraries 

Bodleian Libraries aims to enact a well-balanced and robust funding model for digital preservation. 

Bodleian Libraries will ensure that it has dedicated staff with relevant skills to support preservation of its digital content. Staff responsible for managing and preserving digital content will be provided with professional development opportunities to ensure they can fulfil the requirements of their job roles.

Bodleian Libraries Digital Preservation Policy (2022)

National Archives of Australia

The Archives will ensure that its digital preservation activities are carried out by sufficient staff with the appropriate skills. The Archives may use a combination of in-house staff, contractors, and consultants to achieve its objectives. The Archives will provide training opportunities to allow staff to develop, maintain or enhance their digital preservation expertise. These opportunities may include participation on courses, self-directed learning, attendance at national and international seminars, workshops and conferences, study visits, internships, and working exchanges with other institutions and professional bodies.

National Archives of Australia Digital Preservation Policy (2020)

Wellcome Collection

Dispersing responsibilities for digital preservation across several Wellcome teams offers peer learning and development opportunities, whilst simultaneously reducing the organizational risks associated with reliance on dedicated digital specialists.

Wellcome Collection Digital Preservation Policy 2019-2021 (2019)