This section is about ensuring the organization effectively stores and protects the integrity of its digital content over time, for example by actively monitoring its content to protect against, identify and repair any corruption and unauthorized changes, and managing its content in a geographically diverse and robust technical infrastructure.

Bodleian Libraries

Bodleian Libraries will actively monitor its content for corruption and unauthorized changes.

Bodleian Libraries Digital Preservation Policy (2022)

University of Sussex

The library will:

  • Ensure the integrity of digital content so it remains unchanged  
  • Store digital content in an appropriate repository
  • Employ systems to monitor the completeness of digital content
  • Monitor digital content for intentional or unintentional changes
  • Facilitate detection of changes to digital content and rectify them
  • Employ standards compliant secure systems and transfer records using secure encrypted protocols

University of Sussex Digital Preservation Policy (2022)

The Postal Museum

Checksums will be created at the point of transfer (if not received as part of the transfer) and will be periodically verified.

The Postal Museum has a workflow to addressing integrity failures.

The Collections team will work with the IT team to improve storage and backup facilities for born digital collections.

The Postal Museum Digital Preservation Policy (2022)

National Archives of Australia

The record must be complete and protected against unauthorised or accidental alteration. The Archives ensures the integrity of the record by always keeping the original record (bitstream preservation), fixity checking of digital objects, and capturing a full audit trail of all preservation actions performed on the record.

The Archives will achieve its objectives through digital preservation infrastructure that ensures data integrity, format sustainability, and information security. The Archives will do this through:

Storage selection: carefully select storage technologies to maximise the periods between refreshment cycles, and simplify the refreshment process itself, in addition to providing the most secure storage environment possible. Detailed criteria and methods for selecting appropriate storage solutions, including cloud services, will be developed as part of the storage procurement process.

Redundancy and back-up: maintain redundant copies of digital records through appropriate replication and backup processes. The viability and integrity of backup copies, including the ability to restore from backups, will be periodically tested.

Data integrity: malware scanning and checking for file fixity. Files with fixity issues will be repaired and/or replaced.

National Archives of Australia Digital Preservation Policy (2020)

Wellcome Collection

Secure and auditable: Our infrastructure is designed to be highly resilient, secure and scalable, and our workflow management systems are configured to ensure that the integrity and authenticity of digital items can be tracked from the point of ingest. Appropriate access controls are also in place to safeguard against accidental or deliberate non-authorised access or alteration.

Wellcome Collection Digital Preservation Policy 2019–2021 (2019)