The DPC’s Reading Club provides a forum to chat about a recent digital preservation publication with other Members in a friendly and informal group. Established in 2023, sessions typically run on a monthly basis in a variety of different time zones and cover reading on a range of topics relevant to digital preservation.

Why Reading Club?

Digital preservation is an ever changing discipline, and it can be hard to keep up with new developments and publications relevant to our work. DPC’s Reading Club provides a useful signpost to a recently published article and the opportunity to chat about it informally with your peers. This can be a helpful way of maintaining a connection with current digital preservation literature when in a busy and demanding role with limited time for research. Reading Club could also be considered to be a part of your own Continuous Professional Development.

Come along to an event

Reading Club is open to all DPC Members, but places are limited to enable small group discussion. Keep an eye on our events page and weekly digest email on the DPC-DISCUSSION mailing list to find out what we are reading next and when we will be meeting to discuss it. You don’t have to come along to every session, just join in when it suits you. Most of our Reading Club events are held online. 

Suggest something for us to read

We are always happy to receive suggestions of publications to read for these events. Note that we prefer to read articles, book chapters or blog posts that are:

  • Relevant to digital preservation

  • Thought provoking

  • No more than 40 pages in length

  • Freely available for all to access online

  • Recent - i.e. published (or made openly available) in the last three years

Do get in touch with with ideas, comments and suggestions.

Reading list

Missed a Reading Club event? Don’t worry, we maintain a list of all the articles and publications we have read below (ordered by event date). Do dive in and catch up on what we’ve been reading in your own time:

Find all the Reading Club blog posts here.