This section is about how the organization engages with and contributes to the wider digital preservation community in order to advance its own capabilities and those of the community as a whole. Examples typically include a reference to external communities the organization will collaborate with, as well as a mention of internal collaboration within the organization itself. The two-way nature of this colleaboration is often mentioned, with organizations not only intending to gather information through collaboration but also to share their own knowledge and experience back.

Library and Archives Canada

The collaboration principle means that LAC ensures a permanent presence within national and international communities of interest to LAC (e.g. memory institutions, government institutions, not-for-profit organizations, or private sector); and establishes and maintains successful relationships with them with respect to preservation practices.

Library and Archives Canada Preservation Policy Framework (2022)

University of St Andrews

The University will foster partnerships between University staff and organisations around the world (such as the Digital Preservation Coalition, Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche, Research Libraries UK, Jisc) to benefit mutually from a sustainable shared community of knowledge, helping the University future-proof its processes by keeping up to date with best practice and evidence-based solutions.

Digital preservation activities at the University will be communicated to staff via a dedicated web page and relevant internal communication channels.

Digital preservation activities at the University will be communicated to the wider user community via a dedicated web page, social media, and contributions to relevant professional communication channels.

University of St Andrews Digital Preservation Policy (2021)

Penn State University

Penn State University Libraries acknowledges digital preservation as a shared community responsibility, and as such has long-standing and emerging partnerships with similarly committed organizations (such as the Big Ten Academic Alliance and the National Digital Stewardship Alliance) and is committed to collaborating with other institutions, as well as with units within Penn State to:

  • advance the development of the digital preservation program,
  • share lessons learned with other digital preservation programs,
  • extend the breadth of its available expertise, and
  • extend the digital content that is available within a broad information community to libraries’ users through cooperative efforts.

Generally, in working, cooperating, and collaborating with others, Penn State University Libraries desires to:

  • understand the goals, objectives, and needs of the communities of creators and the communities of consumers of its digital resources;
  • identify appropriate partners and stakeholders to contribute to regional, national and international efforts in digital preservation;
  • help develop regional, national, and international strategies and initiatives that enable the distribution of collecting, description, service delivery, digitization, and preservation activity; and
  • work actively with creators of digital materials to encourage and promote standards and practices.

Penn State University Libraries Policy UL-AD19 Digital Preservation Policy (2021)

Wellcome Collection

Collaborative development: We support interdisciplinary collaboration so that others can learn from our mistakes and successes. Our code and documentation are made available through Wellcome’s GitHub repositories, and we welcome comment and discussion on the approach we have taken.

We seek to play an active role in partnership with digital preservation communities (examples might include the Archivematica and Goobi user groups, the Digital Preservation Coalition, and the Open Preservation Foundation) around the world to share our experiences, learn from others, and further best practice in digital preservation.

Sustainable: We believe that open, collaborative development improves the sustainability of our digital preservation tools and workflows, and helps to minimize duplication of effort.

Wellcome Collection Digital Preservation Policy 2019–2021 (2019)

National Archives of Australia

The Archives will maintain professional relationships with the wider digital preservation community in Australia and internationally. Where appropriate it may actively participate in initiatives, through partnerships and collaboration with appropriate organizations, e.g. the Australasian Digital Recordkeeping Initiative, the Council of Australasian Archives and Records Authorities, the International Council on Archives, the UNESCO PERSIST Programme, the International Organisation [sic] of Sound and Audiovisual Archives, the Open Preservation Foundation, and the Digital Preservation Coalition.

National Archives of Australia Digital Preservation Policy (2020)