WDPD2024 English Secondary RGB

Institutions all over the world are organizing events on Thursday 7 November 2024 in honour of World Digital Preservation Day. Scroll down to see if there are any events in your region to join! If you would like your event listed here as well, please submit details to angela.puggioni@dpconline.org.


Lunch québécoise – Préservation numérique

La communauté de pratique québécoise sur la préservation numérique vous invite à un débat sur le format PDF! En ce 7 novembre 2024, saurons-nous vous convaincre des vertus ou des défauts de ce format présent dans tous les fonds d’archives et toutes les collections?

Date : 7 novembre 2024
Heure : 12h à 12h45 (GMT-5)


Preserving the IAEA’s Digital Content, Celebrating IAEA Contributions

On the occasion of World Digital Preservation Day, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) staff are invited to join an online event organised by MTGS-ARMS to explore the value, challenges and future of digital preservation. A panel of staff involved in digital preservation, together with guest speaker Jeffrey van der Hoeven (Digital Preservation Expert from the National Library of the Netherlands, Chair of the International Internet Preservation Consortium and Director of the Open Preservation Foundation), will discuss the significance of digital preservation for the IAEA. They will highlight existing efforts to preserve the Agency’s digital legacy for as long as necessary, preserving it beyond the limits of technological and organisational change. Bringing together diverse perspectives, the event will provide insight into historical preservation efforts and losses, how AI can simplify and improve work processes, the importance of preserving scientific data, the use of persistent identifiers (DOI), the required technical infrastructure and current trends in digital preservation. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions to the panellists.


El Impacto de la Preservación Digital en la Huella de Carbono

7 de Noviembre de 2024, 15:00 UTC
Como parte de una serie de webinarios de RIPDASA, en esta sesión para el Día Mundial de la Preservación Digital, Sarah Middleton de la DPC ofrece una descripción general del desarrollo y los recursos resultantes sobre el tema de la preservación digital y el medio ambiente.


Cinemateca de Bogotá WDPD2024 Eventos

En el marco del Día Mundial de la Preservación Digital WDPD 2024, el jueves 7 de noviembre, la Cinemateca de Bogotá celebrará la existencia de las comunidades que rodean y apoyan la implementación de buenas prácticas en el contexto de la preservación del patrimonio cultural digital. Para ello, se realizará una conferencia on line, convocando a la ciudadanía en general y a archivistas digitales vinculados a bibliotecas, archivos y museos de Latinoamérica y a profesionales de la preservación digital, así como a artistas audiovisuales, cineastas, profesionales de la comunicación y las artes audiovisuales.


Entre el 13 y 28 de noviembre se desarrollará el Tercer Laboratorio de Preservación Digital, un espacio que nació en 2019 con el objetivo de pensar, dialogar, problematizar y definir soluciones transdisciplinares aplicadas a la preservación digital en el contexto audiovisual y de las artes audiovisuales contemporáneas. Este tercer laboratorio busca poner en diálogo las disciplinas del patrimonio cultural digital en los contextos de los museos, bibliotecas y archivos, para abordar las diferentes problemáticas de la conservación, preservación, restauración y representación de obras "complejas" o basadas en la temporalidad. Este laboratorio contará con la orientación de Jo Ana Morfin y Dave Rice.

Penn State University Libraries World Digital Preservation Day Event

Celebrate World Digital Preservation Day 2024 with Penn State University Libraries! Our sessions this year feature a webinar on "File Fixity in the Cloud" by Kyle Rimkus from the University of Illinois, followed by an open session called "Fail Tales" to share and reflect on digital preservation challenges. Both events are virtual and free to attend. For the full schedule and to register, please see the link below!


Digital Archiving Surgery at the National Records of Scotland

The National Records of Scotland are holding a Digital Archiving Surgery for Public Record (Scotland) Act stakeholders on World Digital Preservation Day. Attendance is by invitation only.  Element 7 of the Keeper’s Model Plan relates to the archiving of public records. The Act specifically requires a Records Management Plan to make provision about the archiving and destruction, or other disposal, of an authority’s public records. Authorities must have arrangements in place to ensure records that have enduring value are permanently retained and made accessible in accordance with the Keeper’s ‘Supplementary Guidance on Proper Arrangements for Archiving Public Documents’. Since the Act came into force in 2013 there has been a significant increase in born-digital public records, with a growing number of authorities now solely creating and managing digital records. There is also an increasing move towards the digitisation of paper records (scan to digital projects).

Digital Repository of Ireland Coffee Morning and Strategic Plan Launch

November’s monthly coffee morning will take place on Thursday 7 November from 10.00-11.00am. All are welcome to attend this in-person event, held at the Royal Irish Academy, to celebrate World Digital Preservation Day 2024! At this event, we will highlight our digital preservation achievements over the year, and launch the DRI’s first organisational Strategic Plan! Please RSVP for this event so we can provide tea, coffee and treats.


World Digital Preservation Day PRONOM Hackathon 

Back by popular demand, the PRONOM team will be running their yearly hackathon, PRONOM Research Week 2024, to mark World Digital Preservation Day. This year the hackathon will be the 7th November-15th November. This is a week long excuse to delve into the world of file formats alongside other digital preservation practitioners. Have a file format you can't identify in your repository? This week could be the time to investigate with help from others around the globe. We will be kicking off the week with a PRONOM Open Drop-In session on the 7th dedicated to answering your questions.


Preserving NYC's Digital Content: Celebrating Our Communities

Join the NYC Department of Records and Information Services’ Municipal Archives on November 4th for a virtual discussion! Digital archivists Caleb Simone and Kelli O'Toole will explore the vital role of archives in safeguarding cultural heritage and ensuring accessibility for future generations. Attendees will learn about the recent migration of the City's archives to Preservica, ongoing data remediation efforts, and how diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices are being integrated into digital preservation. Don't miss this opportunity to celebrate the digital content that reflects NYC's vibrant communities.


Celebrating the Launch of the New Frameworks Project 

The Brown University Library's Center for Digital Scholarship is hosting an event in honor of World Preservation Day, celebrating the launch of one of their projects that is devoted to the preservation of very difficult to preserve born-computational and born-digital art. The New Frameworks to Preserve and Publish Born-Computational Art project is a two-year project funded by the National Endowment for the Arts that developed new approaches for the long-term preservation and presentation of innovative, experimental works in the digital literary arts space that did not have any other models for preservation prior to the project. Join in-person or virtually to celebrate the launch of the project, hear about the models they developed in collaboration with the selected artists, and meet the project team!


Celebrating Indigenous Communities engaged with digital preservation

For WDPD this year DPC Australasia and Asia-Pacific will be holding an online celebration of three groups working with Indigenous communities from our region who were winners or finalists in the 2024 Digital Preservation Awards (DPA). The session will show video presentations made by the three local DPA finalists and will be followed by a live online discussion with representatives from each group to find out more about their projects, why they are important for these communities and what they are planning next. 



Streamlining Digital Preservation and PII Security Through Libsafe Advanced

In this webinar, LIBNOVA will explore how their 'Libsafe Advanced' solution can help institutions optimize digital preservation and enhance the security of files containing PII. Discover how this platform enables efficient long-term data management, providing protection for both files and privacy.


Einblicke in das Historische Archiv der Europäischen Union

Das diesjährige WDPD-Thema ist für das LVR-Archivberatungs- und Fortbildungszentrum (LVR-AFZ) Ansporn, den Blick über den Tellerrand der regionalen Gemeinschaften hinaus auf die europäische Ebene zu richten. Wie funktioniert eigentlich das Archiv der Europäischen Union? Wie begegnet es den Herausforderungen der unterschiedlichen Archivtraditionen der Mitgliedsstaaten und welche Lösungen gibt es für die digitale Archivierung? Der Direktor des Historischen Archivs der Europäischen Union am Europäischen Hochschulinstitut in Florenz, Dr. Dieter Schlenker, wird in seinem Vortrag sein Institut vorstellen und den Teilnehmern einen Einblick in die digitale Strategie seiner Institution geben.


Vassar Libraries is preserving our digital community

Come celebrate World Digital Preservation Day with Vassar College Libraries! This year's theme is "Preserving Our Digital Content: Celebrating Communities." This nostalgic event will bring you back to the days of your first phone with our display of retro communication tech. Was it a brick? Did its keyboard slide out? Or was it one of the first smartphones? Learn about how Vassar Libraries is preserving our digital community while enjoying Wii games, crafts, and candy in the Main Library lobby from 3-6 pm. If you happen to have that old phone, or other small tech, catching dust stop by to drop it off for recycling!

Date: November 7, 2024
Start: 3:00PM
End: 6:00PM
Location: Vassar College Main Library Lobby

Jisc Webinar

As part of the World Digital Preservation day celebrations, Jisc is offering a free webinar to introduce you to Jisc’s Digital Preservation advice, guidance and consultancy offer. This session will be useful for those involved (or interested in being involved) in keeping data usable at their institution—at any level of maturity in this space—including:

  • Library management/services

  • Learning management/services

  • Research information management/services

  • Records management/services

  • Archives

  • Open research management/services

  • Scholarly comms and scholarly pubs management/services

  • Digital preservation management/services

  • IT and cyber teams


Webinar on Oral Histories and Digital Preservation

On WDPD2024, the Academic Preservation Trust (APTrust) is presenting a special webinar on the preservation of oral histories, an invaluable yet often underrepresented part of our archival heritage. Experts Michael Runyon (William & Mary) and Rachel Jacobson (Georgetown University) will discuss how their respective institutions digitally preserve oral histories, whether they be born-digital or from analog media. They will delve into some common issues around preserving and making oral histories accessible. They hope to generate a discussion about best practices in the description and preservation of this important aspect of public history.


Panel: "Every Day is Digital Preservation Day:
Demystifying UNT Libraries' Digital Preservation Policy Framework"

The University of North Texas Libraries will host a discussion panel on November 7th (2-3pm CDT) showcasing one of their own digital preservation activities: the UNT Libraries' Digital Preservation Policy Framework. Panelists Drs. Mark Phillips, Ana Krahmer, and Daniel Alemneh examine the current status of digital preservation. They'll dive into real-world case studies that reveal how Digital Preservation Policy adoption enhances access, preservation, and overall operational efficiencies.


We are Amused: Victorian Humour and the Digital

International Conference, University of Caen, Normandie, 7th and 8th November 2024

Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Dr Bob Nicholson (Edge Hill University) on the Transnational Press and Professor James Mussell (Leeds) on Seriality and Sustainability.

The event addresses how digital projects can bring communities of scholars together to collaborate and contribute to research sites in order to ensure a continued communication, development and enhancement of the resource.


Join the Dutch Digital Heritage Network on WDPD2024 with the 'tools on tour' 

This year, the Dutch Digital Heritage Network are highlighting the preservation tools for policy, certification, pre-ingest, education, monitoring etc. helping us to preserve our rich heritage legacy. And to celebrate this as one community, we come together in the beautiful town of Utrecht. Some of the expected highlights: the Home Computer Museum brings their mobile digital scan station to unlock your floppy disks and there will be demonstrations of viPER, Bits and Bots and the digital heritage evaluation tool.  Our annual digital preservation cookies (the edible ones) will be served as well. So whether you are a veteran in digital preservation or just starting out: please feel free to join us. 



Recreating the Buzz of a Retro Office Environment

November 7, 12-2 pm at the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford, UK

What better way to mark #WDPD2024 than by dusting off our collection of obsolete workplace tech and recreating the buzz of a retro office environment? Join us as we recreate the sights and sounds of a time when beeping pagers, whirring fax machines, and buzzing dot matrix printers were the hallmark signs of a productive day.  

What to Expect:

  1. Exhibition of old office tech 

  2. MS Paint and ASCII art activities

  3. And of course, Coffee and Cake!

Audience: Oxford University staff 

No need to book - just drop in and enjoy a break from the modern office!


WDPD 2024 Webinar at the National Archives of Malaysia

The National Archives of Malaysia are organizing a full day of virtual presentations to mark World Digital Preservation Day. Speakers include (amongst others) Muhammad Idzwan bin Ramli of the National Archives of Malaysia, Robin Wright and Paul Wheatley of the Digital Preservation Coalition. More information will follow soon.



WDPD 2024 with the Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services Cariniana

Rede Cariniana team will be celebrating World Digital Preservation Day with a series of activities, all of which will be published on the Network's YouTube Channel.

The Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services Cariniana collaborates with external partners to provide its members with tools and services. Works with the broader community to align its efforts with emerging national and international efforts. It also provides training and support for preservation platforms and services, seeking to integrate platforms and new service offerings. This year, our celebration focuses on a few thems that will be discussed by our researcher's groups: Risk planning for digital collections and early digital Preservation, Digital Preservation Metadata Applications, Impacts of AI and Impacts of Blockchain on Digital Preservation, Considerations on the applicability of digital preservation policies, Digital preservation outside libraries, archives and museums and digital preservation manuals, guides and tutorials.