This section covers processes to preserve the meaning, usability and functionality of the digital content over time.

Bodleian Libraries

Bodleian Libraries may undertake preservation activities, such as conversions from one file format to another, to ensure that digital content can render in current computing environments.

Any preservation activities performed on digital content should be tested, evidenced-based and recorded.

Bodleian Libraries Digital Preservation Policy (2022)

University of the Arts London

UAL will monitor its digital collections and may undertake preservation activities, such as the migration from one file format to another more stable format, to ensure continued access.

University of the Arts London Archives, Museum & Special Collections Digital Preservation Policy (2019)

The Postal Museum

File format identification is carried out at the point of acquisition and recorded along with other metadata.

At risk formats are identified via community resources such as the Bit List of Digitally Endangered Content, and spot checks.

Where migration is necessary to ensure the ongoing preservation and access to records consideration will be given to the significant properties of the record and every effort will be made to ensure these are preserved in the new format. For example, The Postal Museum would avoid migrating a dynamic spreadsheet with formulas and conditional formatting to a static PDF unless this is the only option available, and the original format is at high risk of obsolescence.

Where possible, files should be transferred to The Postal Museum in their original format. The Postal Museum will aim to maintain the files in their original format until the risk of obsolescence necessitates migration.

The Postal Museum Digital Preservation Policy (2022)

Royal Danish Library

Continuous monitoring of the composition and volume of the preserved collections is carried out and plans are formulated for the preservation of each collection.

In collaboration with national and international partners, Royal Danish Library will work to develop methods for functional preservation that ensure that as large a part of the library’s collections as possible will be accessible in the future.

If, due to technical or economic reasons, it is not possible to preserve all functionality in digital material in connection with a preservation activity being carried out, the preservation of the digital object’s intellectual content is usually awarded the highest priority.

The library uses risk management for continuous assurance of functional preservation.

Royal Danish Library Digital preservation policy (undated)