This section covers policy statements around the discovery of digital content and how access is provided for users. Policy principles may include a statement of the commitment to access along with high level principles that will guide this work.

University of Sussex

The library will control access to certain digital content to comply with the Data Protection Act (2018) and any other relevant legislation.

Free public access to digital content will be provided online where possible, or in controlled conditions in The Keep reading room when appropriate.

University of Sussex Digital Preservation Policy (2022)

University of St Andrews

Staff, students, external researchers and other users will be provided with appropriate access to digital content now and in the future.

University of St Andrews Digital Preservation Policy (2021)

University of Cambridge

Access is fundamental to preservation. Not only does access enable readers to carry out their research, it enables them to alert library staff to any potential risks to collection materials (e.g., do files open and render as expected?) and helps them identify whether further action is necessary.

This principle will be followed by:

  • Providing as wide access as possible to staff and readers in ways that faithfully represents digital objects when they were created or acquired.
  • Periodic manual sampling to ensure that files can open and to visually check for any potential issues.
  • Communicating to staff and readers the conditions under which digital collection materials can be accessed, used, and re-used.
  • Providing a mechanism by which staff and readers can alert staff to access-related issues so that action can be taken.

Cambridge University Libraries Digital Preservation Policy (2021)

Wellcome Collection

Open access: We recognize that the purpose of digital stewardship is to facilitate access, and that access should only be restricted in line with the legal and ethical considerations outlined in our Access Policy.

Wellcome Collection Digital Preservation Policy 2019–2021 (2019)

National Archives of Australia

Digital records and digitized records will be delivered to users in ways that do not limit the use and re-use of the records' content, for example a download of a digital record in its original format, or a download of an unsecured pdf access copy of a digitised record.

National Archives of Australia Digital Preservation Policy (2020)