The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes the Imperial War Museum as its newest associate member
Added on 24 October 2018
Imperial War Museums (IWM) hold an internationally renowned collection covering the cause, course and consequence of war. The collection covers conflicts involving Britain, its former Empire and the Commonwealth, from the First World War to the present day.
Comprising photographs, film and artworks, each of the important personal, political, cultural and technological items held by the museums tell a story about the experiences of those caught up in conflict. IWM is committed to preserving these digital assets in perpetuity, making them accessible and available for future generations to appreciate and understand.
DPC Publishes 'Digital Preservation Topical Notes' Series
Added on 13 September 2018
The DPC is pleased to announce the publication of a series of "Digital Preservation Topical Notes", produced with the kind support of the National Archives of Ireland.
This series of topical notes aims to address key issues of digital preservation for a non-specialist audience. Starting with "What is Digtal Preservation?" , the notes examine why digital preservation is important, while giving an overview of the steps needed to maintain access to digital information. Written specifically with record creators in mind, the notes also provide simple guidance on how they can ensure their digital records are preservation ready.
The full series of ten notes is now available on the DPC Website:
Jenny Mitcham to join DPC staff in November as Head of Good Practice and Standards
Added on 21 August 2018
The Digital Preservation Coalition is delighted to announce that Jenny Mitcham will join the DPC staff in November in a new role as Head of Good Practice and Standards.
Jen is well known to the DPC membership and the wider digital preservation and archives community from her current work at the Borthwick Institute at the University of York. Originally trained as an archaeologist and a graduate of the Universities of Nottingham and Southampton. She administered the Clwyd-Powys Sites and Monuments Record in the late nineties before moving into digital preservation as a Digital Archivist with the Archaeology Data Service for nine years, helping to shape archiving practices and procedures as the discipline evolved.
Two new organisations join the DPC’s Supporter Program
Added on 1 August 2018
This month sees the addition of two new organisations to the DPC’s Supporter Program. The Coalition welcomes:
- Ex Libris, Cloud-based Solutions provider for the Higher Education sector.
- Formpipe, Developer of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Information Quality Management and Electronic Quality Management System (eQMS) software solutions.
Both organisations have committed to supporting the DPC, and to a constructive collaboration for the benefit of the whole digital preservation community.
“As the membership of the DPC diversifies and expands globally, it is essential that both users and the solution providers who support our community have a meaningful way to communicate and learn from each other” explains Executive Director of the DPC, William Kilbride. “We are delighted therefore to see these organisations, which represent various aspects of digital preservation, choosing to support the DPC in this way.”
Preserving the publications of the European Union: The Publications Office joins the DPC
Added on 1 August 2018
The Publications Office of the European Union (Publications Office) becomes the newest organisation to join the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) this month.
The Publications Office of the European Union (Publications Office), based in Luxembourg, is an interinstitutional office whose task is to publish the publications of the institutions of the European Union (EU).
Its core activities include production and dissemination of legal and general publications in a variety of paper and electronic formats, managing a range of websites providing EU citizens, governments and businesses with digital access to official information and data from the EU.
iPres 2022 comes to Glasgow!
Added on 27 June 2018
The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) will host the International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPres) in Glasgow in 2022.
The iPres conference is a global forum for research and development in digital preservation. Held every year since 2004 it has been held on four continents, embracing a variety of topics in digital preservation from strategy to implementation, and from international and local initiatives. It welcomes small organizations and large; established leaders and new entrants. Year on year the debate and research profiled at iPres have moved digital preservation from a niche specialism of experts to a global challenge with the community to match.
The DPC is long-standing part of the digital preservation community around the world, helping to address the challenge of reliable access to digital resources from its base in Glasgow, and the Coalition’s network will be used to good effect. Representing and working on behalf of the diverse and dynamic digital preservation community around the world, the DPC will draw from the expertise of its membership, as well as lessons learned in community engagement, administration and the dissemination of research, to deliver a world-class program on the state of the art in digital preservation for all parts of the community from creators, curators, funders, researchers, solution providers and users.
DPC Publishes 'Inclusion and Diversity Policy'
Added on 11 June 2018
The DPC Community is guided by the values set out in the organisation's Strategic Plan and aims to be respectful, welcoming, inclusive and transparent. It encourages diversity in all its forms and is committed to being accessible to everyone who wishes to engage with the topic of digital preservation. With this in mind the DPC has now published its Inclusion and Diversity Policy, setting out clear commitments to supporting the healthy growth of the digital preservation community as a place where all are welcome and invited to contribute.
Reliable, Robust and Resilient: DPC supports Digital Infrastructure Project for Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
Added on 8 June 2018
In a 2-year partnership starting in August 2018 the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has begun a new project which will establish a programme of work for digital preservation at the Nuclear Decommissioning Agency (NDA) in the UK, enabling also a significant expansion of the DPC’s capacity to deliver for members.
The NDA has been charged by the UK and Scottish Governments with the complicated task of decommissioning and cleaning the seventeen principal nuclear energy plants in the UK, a task accurately described as the largest and most important environmental restoration programme in Europe. The extended life cycle of the programme, set alongside robust commitments to security, integrity and safety, means the NDA approaches its work with a profound commitment to long-term information management, ensuring the right information is available to the right people in a format they can use and with the confidence that it can be trusted. Therefore, amongst its many challenges, the NDA is by default required to become a trusted leader for information management and digital preservation.
TownsWeb Archiving joins the DPC’s Supporter Program
Added on 25 May 2018
The Digital Preservation Coalition is delighted to announce that digitization services provider TownsWeb Archiving is the latest organization to join its Supporter Program.
TownsWeb Archiving currently provides digitization, metadata creation and digital collections management software services to the UK cultural heritage sector. With clients including Cadbury’s, Marks & Spencer, Diageo, the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Transport for London, Bank of England, GSK and more, TownsWeb works with archives, museums and libraries to digitize their fragile and precious collections and open up access to them online through their PastView system.
With a wealth of experience in advising how best to create digital materials, TownsWeb is now working towards incorporating digital preservation services in order to meet a growing need to sustain access to a digital legacy in the long term; potentially by collaborating with other existing DPC Supporters.
Digital preservation helps safeguard the institutional memory and unique heritage of the United Nations
Added on 30 April 2018
The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) becomes the newest organisation to join the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC).
Housed at the Palais des Nations, UNOG serves as the representative office of the Secretary-General at Geneva and in providing key infrastructure and support to the Organization’s efforts to maintain international peace and security.
The Library of the United Nations in Geneva has recently launched its “Total Digital Access to the League of Nations Archives” project, under the responsibility of the Chief of the Institutional Memory Section. Through the project, the entire content of the League of Nations Archives (registered in the UNESCO’s Memory of the World Registry), consisting of approximately 15 million pages of materials, will be digitized.