Added on 13 March 2025

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has opened its annual collection period for member RAM (Rapid Assessment Model) assessments⁠⁠. DPC Members are invited to submit their assessments from today through Monday, June 9th.

Each year we encourage members to carry out a self-assessment using the DPC Rapid Assessment Model (RAM) and share the results with the DPC. By collating member data annually, we can create benchmarking information to help you plan your digital preservation work and inform our own member-support activities. 

Starting from today until Monday 9 June, we invite you to complete a DPC RAM Assessment and send us your results. If you have carried out an assessment since we last collected results from members in June last year, we’d be very happy to receive that.

To support members through the assessment process, the DPC's Good Practice team is offering one-to-one 'RAM-bulance Sessions' on April 9th and May 22nd. These confidential sessions run from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM (UTC). New this year, members can also book 'CAT Scan' sessions to explore the DPC's Competency Audit Toolkit⁠⁠. Please visit the event page for more information.

For more information about how the DPC uses DPC RAM with members and what we will do with the information you share, please go to our DPC RAM FAQ page. The DPC are committed to ensuring that individual member self-assessments are not made available to others and that benchmarking information is made available in summary form only and fully anonymised.⁠.

Please contact Jenny Mitcham if you have any questions about your RAM assessment. For any other information, you can contact Angela Puggioni.