12 July 2021

Edinburgh or remote working

£41,526 - £55,751 (pay award pending)


DMPonline is a service which allows researchers to create and maintain data management plans for their research whilst meeting expectations placed on them by funders, the institutions they work in, and disciplinary norms. It's free to use for researchers, and the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) sustains the system by selling services to institutions, funders and national consortia. DCC currently has 61 customers and over 60,000 users and are seeing sustained growth of 20% / year.

DMPonline utilises an open-source codebase to which the DCC and the DMPTool team at UC3 are the major contributors. You will take a lead role in software development for the service, which utilises the Ruby-on-Rails framework. This will include maintenance and bug fixes, feature development for specific customers and projects and longer-term strategic planning. You will work as part of a team focussed on DMPonline which includes developers, infrastructure expertise, business development, user liaison and service management roles. The team also engages with and draws on other elements of the DCC's work, including research and coordination projects, events, consultancy and training.

For further information (includes link to application form) visit:
