The Digital Preservation Coalition is pleased to announce the release of their Labour Market Analysis report and accompanying dataset.
The DPC has completed a study of the digital preservation labour market, analyzing data gathered from 167 online job vacancy postings published between January 2021 and December 2022. The final report and dataset are now available on the Labour Market Analysis page of the DPC website:
The summary report provides a high-level overview of the key findings from the analysis, with a discussion of emerging themes and trends, particularly as they relate to the DPC's Digital Preservation Competency Framework.
The dataset of the 167 postings collected and used for the analysis provides information for searching and exploring the job postings and/or conducting other research and analysis.
These resources are available for reference or use by DPC members and the wider digital preservation community. By sharing the information more widely, the DPC aims to facilitate the knowledge and development of those in the digital preservation field and invite further discussion and practical use by digital preservation practitioners.
For more information, please visit the DPC Labour Market Analysis page here.