Added on 9 August 2022

The DPC is pleased to offer two Career Development Fund grants for members to attend the 1st International Conference on FAIR Digital Objects (FDO2022), taking place on 26 - 28 October in Leiden, The Netherlands. 

Each grant will cover 100% of conference registration fees as well as a contribution toward travel and accommodation. Applications are welcomed from DPC members until the grant application deadline of 7:00 UTC on 30th August 2022

About the FDO2022 Conference in Leiden, The Netherlands (26-28 October 2022)

For decades now, we have been feeding the Internet with petabytes of information of all kinds. The amount of data is indeed so massive and varied that it is not feasible for humans to make sense of it using current processes and standards. What to do then?

Successful management, exchange and interpretation of knowledge in an ever-growing information tsunami will depend on highly automated methods dealing with combined data. This will require artificial intelligence but also robust and informative ways to store and disseminate data and metadata. Here is where one crucial concept shows up: FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs). FAIR is about making data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable both for humans and machines. FAIR digital objects have shown key capabilities to simplify and scale the use of data across domains, increase trust in data and ease the handling of high volumes of information. The developments are there. Now we need widespread consensus.

From 26 to 28th October 2022 the city of Leiden, Netherlands, the 1st International Conference on FAIR Digital Objects (FDO2022) will bring together for the first time at this scale key technical, scientific, industry, and science-policy stakeholders with the aim to boost the development and implementation of FDOs worldwide and transform the Internet into more than just a data space: into a meaningful data space.

The conference will act as a milestone event with the potential of initiating the transformative process of turning FAIR data into reality in a systemic way. For that purpose, it sets four main goals: 

  • Anatomy of a FDO
  • FDO-based approaches 
  • Studies and implementations
  • Global adoption of FDOS

An overview of the programme is available here, and please visit to find out more. 


About the DPC Career Development Fund Grants

Each DPC Career Development Fund grant will cover 100% of registration fees (for more information about registration and what is included, please visit the conference registration page here.)

Successful candidates will also receive a contribution towards travel and accommodations, which will be offered up to the following limits:

  • Domestic travel - £150
  • Intra-Continental travel - £300
  • Inter-Continental travel - £750

Please read the Career Development Fund Guidelines for more details about eligibility and criteria.

How to Apply



The Career Development Fund is sponsored by the DPC’s Supporters who recognize the benefit and seek to support a connected and trained digital preservation workforce. We gratefully acknowledge their financial support to this programme and ask applicants to acknowledge that support in any communications that result. At the time of writing, the Career Development Fund is supported by Arkivum, Artefactual Systems Inc., AVP, Ex Libris, Iron Mountain, Libnova, Max Communications, Preservica and Twist Bioscience. A full list of supporters is online here.

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