17 May 2022 | 17:00 - 18:00 UTC+1 Online

When: Tuesday 17 May 2022, 17:00 - 18:00 UTC+1 (click for local times)

Where: Zoom

This series of webinars will showcase the product and service offerings of each of our DPC Supporters in turn in response to a current theme which reflects member interests. 

DPC Supporter products and services form an important part of how we address the digital preservation challenge. This series aims to present - in the context of member concerns - a portion of the digital preservation marketplace offerings, in order to help members identify what is still missing and community needs.

Discussion Topic

Come along to hear DPC Supporters present their approach to solving preservation risks in the face of current economic and environmental challenges.

Attendees may pose their own questions to Supporters in a question and answer session.


  • Daniel Chadash, Senior Director

About Twist Bioscience

Secure preservation of data is increasingly critical as the amount of data being generated continues to increase at a rapid pace, while scaling traditional capacity continues to be a significant challenge. DNA-based data storage offers a solution to these issues because it can be scaled more efficiently, preserved for thousands of years, and has the potential benefit of reducing the carbon footprint of traditional server farms.

While storing data on DNA was first demonstrated a few decades ago, the cost of DNA synthesis has limited this technology to proofs of concept as there was no new technology to enable a drastic cost reduction.  This talk will discuss breakthrough technology for synthesizing DNA on a silicon chip that has allowed component miniaturization, and which has thus enabling its use for archival data storage and for a more sustainable and green future for storing digital data.

Recordings (DPC Members, please log in to view)

DPC Inclusion & Diversity Policy

The DPC Community is guided by the values set out in our Strategic Plan and aims to be respectful, welcoming, inclusive and transparent. It encourages diversity in all its forms and is committed to being accessible to everyone who wishes to engage with the topic of digital preservation. The DPC asks all those who are part of this community and/or attending a DPC event be positive, accepting, and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others in alignment with our DPC Inclusion & Diversity Policy.