4 May 2021 | 15:00 - 16:00 BST Online

This series of webinars will showcase the product and service offerings of each of our DPC Supporters in turn, before the DPC staff invite speakers to respond on a series of themes which represent our understanding of member interests. 

Discussion Topics Speakers
Come along to hear us discuss topics including:
  • AI/Machine Learning
  • Access  
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Ethics  
  • Exit strategies
  • Inclusivity  and Accessibility
  • Planning  
  • Security

Attendees may then pose their own questions to Supporters
in a question and answer session.

  • Antonio Guillermo Martinez, Chief Executive Officer
  • María Fuertes, Chief Marketing Officer

DPC Members are encouraged to attend the webinar sessions as Supporter products and services form an important part of how we address the digital preservation challenge. This series aims to present - in the context of member concerns - a portion of the digital preservation marketplace offerings, in order to help members identify what is still missing and community needs.

The 'Digital Preservation Futures' webinar series accompanies the associated event ‘The Future of Storage’ on Wednesday 26th May, and is followed by 'Connecting the Bits,' our DPC Members Unconference and Networking Event on Wednesday 19th June. 

Slides and Recording

Download the slides from this webinar

DPC Members and Supporters, please login to access the recording.

Related Events
Wednesday 26th May - 'The Future of Storage' Event

The use of storage technology for digital preservation has changed dramatically over the last twenty years. During this time, there has been a change in practice. Previously, the norm was for storing digital materials using discrete media items e.g. individual CDs, tapes, etc., which are then migrated periodically to address degradation and obsolescence.

Today, it has become more common practice to use resilient IT storage systems for the increasingly large volumes of digital material that needs to be preserved, and perhaps more importantly, that needs to be easily and quickly retrievable in a culture of online access. In this way, digital material has become decoupled from the underlying mechanism of its storage. With this come consequent benefits of allowing different preservation activities to be handled independently.

But what does the future hold for digital preservation storage?

Open to DPC Members and Supporters, and discussing a topic which effects all parties in different ways, this event will seek to identify requirements for emerging storage solutions.

Wednesday 16th June - Connecting the Bits: DPC Unconference and Members' Networking Event 2021 

Registration open

Connecting the Bits is an annual planning event through which key themes for discussion (and for DPC action in the following year) are generated by members based on their current work and emerging concerns. Because members decide these themes, it provides them with a unique opportunity to steer the Coalition's program for the coming year. This process is only open to members, allowing them to be candid about successes, failures, plans and threats.

DPC Inclusion & Diversity Policy

The DPC Community is guided by the values set out in our Strategic Plan and aims to be respectful, welcoming, inclusive and transparent. It encourages diversity in all its forms and is committed to being accessible to everyone who wishes to engage with the topic of digital preservation. The DPC asks all those who are part of this community and/or attending a DPC event be positive, accepting, and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others in alignment with our DPC Inclusion & Diversity Policy.