Preservation Lifecycle

The digital preservation lifecycle refers to all of the stages required to preserve and sustain access to digital content; from creation to ingest, management and administration to access and reuse.

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Access, Use and ReuseCreate or Receive (Acquire)DisposalIngestPreservation ActionPreservation PlanningStorage


£5.8 million project to deliver a more sustainable future for Open Access books

The Digital Preservation Coalition and Members are part of a new project that works to increase access to valuable research and is to receive more than £5.8 million in funding. Led by Lancaster University, the Open Book Futures (OBF) project will develop and support organisations, tools and practices that enable both academics and the wider public to make more and better use of books published on an Open Access basis. Open Access books can be accessed and used online free of charge.

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A preoccupation with preservation policies

Preoccupation (noun) - an idea or subject that someone thinks about most of the time (Cambridge Dictionary) I guess this is a fair description of my relationship with digital preservation policies over the last week or so as we have been working on a revision of the DPC’s Digital Preservation Policy Toolkit. What has been so good about having a bit of time to focus on this subject is the extent to which community resources and organizational policies already exist and can be easily...

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Digital Preservation Policy Toolkit 2.0 now available!

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has released a new version of the Digital Preservation Policy Toolkit to coincide with its Relaunch Roadshow in Australasia. Now freely available for anyone within the digital preservation community to use and designed for organizations of any type, the Digital Preservation Policy Toolkit guides users from initial research and preparation phases, through to drafting a policy, gathering feedback and communicating the finished policy. 

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Clarifying the Cost of Curation: Community feedback required to decide the future of the Curation Costs Exchange

The Digital Preservation Coalition and Jisc as part of the 4C post-project consortium, are seeking community input to help decide the future of the Curation Costs Exchange (CCEx). The CCEx is a website ( which was created as an output of the 4C project ( It provides information about some fundamental concepts relating to costing digital preservation, as well as providing a Cost Comparison Tool (CCT) that allows registered users to...

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Level Up with RAM: New DPC resource supports progress in digital preservation maturity

The Digital Preservation Coalition has released a new resource designed to help organizations Level-up with RAM and move forward in their digital preservation capabilities using the DPC Rapid Assessment Model (RAM). Designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability, the DPC RAM is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool which is applicable for organizations of any size in any sector, and for all content of long-term value. With a 6-month DPC...

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Call for Applicants: DPC Grant for 2023 AMaGA Conference in Australia

The DPC is pleased to offer a new Career Development Fund grant for the Australian Museums and Galleries Association (AMaGA) National Conference 2023 (#AMaGA2023), being held 16-19 May across Murrook Cultural Centre, Newcastle City Hall and Civic Theatre in Awabakal & Worimi Land Newcastle, Australia. The grant will cover 100% of the registration fees as well as a contribution towards travel and accommodation. More details about the grant are provided below, and applications are welcomed...

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FAIR Digital Objects 2022 Conference – Challenges with terminology

Zoë Hollingworth is Collections Systems Lead at V&A South Kensington and part-time PhD student in History of Art at the University of Edinburgh. She recently attended FDO2022 with support from the DPC Career Development Fund, which is funded by DPC Supporters. With a grant from the Digital Preservation Coalition, I was fortunate enough to attend the 1st International Conference of FAIR Digital Objects (FDO2022) held in Leiden, Holland, 26th to 28th October 2022. The conference was...

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Reimagining the digital preservation workflows of Archives - FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2022

Thandokazi Maceba is a Data Curation Officer at the Libraries of the University of Cape Town (UCT). She recently attended The FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2022 in Cape Town, with support from the DPC Career Development Fund, which is funded by DPC Supporters. I discovered the FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2022 at a time in my career when I was searching for ways to improve my skills set and broaden my scope in the Library and Information Sciences sector. I like the fact that it was happening in...

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File format recommendations - I wouldn’t say they are unacceptable, but I wouldn’t recommend them either

Last week I joined a webinar entitled “A Comparison of Recommended File Formats and the New Dutch Method for File Format Assessment”. It’s great to see the outcomes of this collaborative work, and it’s clear that it has already played an important role in bringing out some key themes in the preservation approaches of various organizations. But I felt that a number of aspects give cause for concern. The collation of file format policies has highlighted some approaches that I believe should be...

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DPC Technology Watch Guidance Note: A new case study on understanding user needs

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has made a new Technology Watch Guidance Note on Understanding user needs: A case study from the National Library of Scotland by Chris Fleet available on general release today, following a 1-month DPC Member preview. Access is an important element of digital preservation workflows and ultimately information is preserved so it can be used: so, understanding what users need is a key aspect of successful digital preservation. This case study is a...

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DPC Technology Watch Guidance Note: A new case study on understanding user needs

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has made a new Technology Watch Guidance Note on Understanding user needs: A case study from the National Library of Scotland by Chris Fleet available on general release today, following a 1-month DPC Member preview. Access is an important element of digital preservation workflows and ultimately information is preserved so it can be used: so, understanding what users need is a key aspect of successful digital preservation. This case study is a...

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DPC shares French translations of two Technology Watch Guidance Notes on World Digital Preservation Day

[Une version française suit] Adding to a range of other translated resources, the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to share translations of two Technology Watch Guidance Notes: Preserving Databases and Developing an Access Strategy for Born Digital Archival Material. Now available in French, the Technology Watch Guidance Notes complement the DPC’s popular Technology Watch Report series and are designed to be a ‘bite-sized’ papers containing information about the specific...

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Title: Preservation Digitisation Project – Digitising the Tasmanian Archives audio visual collection

Karin Haveman is Acting Manager Government Archives and Preservation at the Tasmanian Archives and Digitisation Services Coordinator In February 2021, Libraries Tasmania launched the Preservation Digitisation Project – a major collaborative project that brings together Digitisation Services, System Support and Delivery, Government Archives, and the Community Archives teams. The aim of this project is to digitise our Tasmanian film, sound, and video collections for long-term...

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Title: Preservation Digitisation Project – Digitising the Tasmanian Archives audio visual collection

Karin Haveman is Acting Manager Government Archives and Preservation at the Tasmanian Archives and Digitisation Services Coordinator In February 2021, Libraries Tasmania launched the Preservation Digitisation Project – a major collaborative project that brings together Digitisation Services, System Support and Delivery, Government Archives, and the Community Archives teams. The aim of this project is to digitise our Tasmanian film, sound, and video collections for long-term...

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Reviving Digital Preservation Policies at National Library of New Zealand

Martin Gengenbach is Digital Preservation Policy and Outreach Specialist, National Library of New Zealand There are many resources to help an organisation draft its first digital preservation policy, including the excellent guide provided by the DPC. There is less information about reviewing and revising policy documentation - though most policy guides recommend a regular process for doing so. Announcing an existing policy revision probably doesn’t sound as exciting as promoting a new...

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Digital preservation at the National Library of Australia

Libor Coufal is Assistant Director for Digital Preservation at the National Library of Australia We are very mindful that it has been (not quite all, but mostly) quiet on the NLA communication front in the last several years, while we have busily worked on implementing our digital preservation program. Our attendance at this year’s iPres (our first since 2014) was a great opportunity to pause and reflect on the progress we have made. We would like to update the community on what we have...

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ASA 2022 - NFSA: Evolving Identity and Emerging Technologies

Natalie Anderson is Project Officer, Digital Archives Innovation and Research, at National Archives of Australia. She attended ASA 2022 Here We Are Conference with the support of the DPC Career Development Fund, which is funded by DPC Supporters. I was recently the lucky recipient of a #DigitalPreservationCoalition (DPC) grant to support my registration and attendance to this year’s #AustralianSocietyofArchivists (ASA) national annual conference...

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Member preview of new DPC Technology Watch Guidance Note: A case study on understanding user needs

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has released a Member Preview of a new Technology Watch Guidance Note on Understanding user needs: A case study from the National Library of Scotland by Chris Fleet today. Access is an important element of digital preservation workflows and ultimately information is preserved so it can be used: so, understanding what users need is a key aspect of successful digital preservation. This case study is a real-world example of how this has been done at one...

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Benchmarking with DPC RAM: Results of member survey 2022

This online members-only event will be held on the 17th of August from 6:30am to 7:30am UTC (click for local time). Introduction The DPC’s Rapid Assessment Model is a maturity modelling tool for digital preservation. With the concept of continuous improvement at its heart, it is considered to be of most value when used regularly to check in on progress and adjust targets. The DPC therefore encourages members to carry out a self-assessment using DPC RAM on an annual basis, and members are...

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Adaptability in the face of adversity - Archiving the Web to Help Persons Forced to Flee

Tom Wilson is Associate Archivist at United Nations High Commission for Refugees. Introduction The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has a mandate to support and advocate on behalf of one of the most vulnerable groups of people in the world today. As one of the major issues facing the world today, the plight of refugees, internally displaced people, stateless people and other persons forced to flee is an ever-growing issue. Whilst the title of this post primarily...

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