Connecting The Bits

Connecting the Bits is a day-long networking and planning event designed to help members keep in touch with each other and with the state of the art in digital preservation. It's a chance for the members of our coalition to set the agenda for the DPC's work for the coming year. The event is an "unconference style" day of knowledge exchange on digital preservation challenges. The unconference format is like a conference except there is no pre-determined theme or programme: the agenda is generated by participants in the morning, then delivered in the afternoon. This format privileges debate and discussion, and it ensures that anyone with a burning issue or success story has a chance to share it.

The next Connecting the Bits will be held in June 2018.

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World Digital Preservation Day

About World Digital Preservation Day World Digital Preservation Day (WDPD) is held on the first Thursday of every November. This year we celebrate all things digital preservation on 7 November 2024! With this year's theme Preserving Our Digital Content: Celebrating Communities, WDPD2024 is a great opportunity to connect the digital preservation community, and to celebrate the digital legacy of all types of communities around the world. The DPC invites all data creators, archivists,...

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DPC shares French translations of two Technology Watch Guidance Notes on World Digital Preservation Day

[Une version française suit] Adding to a range of other translated resources, the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to share translations of two Technology Watch Guidance Notes: Preserving Databases and Developing an Access Strategy for Born Digital Archival Material. Now available in French, the Technology Watch Guidance Notes complement the DPC’s popular Technology Watch Report series and are designed to be a ‘bite-sized’ papers containing information about the specific...

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Quantified Carbon Footprint of Long-Term Digital Preservation in the Cloud

Matthew Addis is Chief Technology Officer at Arkivum. Introduction Have you ever wondered what the actual carbon footprint is of doing digital preservation?  For example, what are the CO2 equivalent carbon emissions associated with archiving and preserving a TB of data for 10 years?  There’s been some brilliant discussion and ideas in the digital preservation community around environmental sustainability of long-term digital preservation.  The DPC have a page that...

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Call for Applicants: DPC Grants for TPDL 2022 and FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2022

In recognition of the growing need among our members for access to professional development opportunities around the world, the DPC is pleased to announce it is offering Career Development Fund grants for two upcoming conferences. Two grants will be available for each of the following: The 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) 2022 taking place in Padua, Italy, 20-23 September 2022 The Fédération Internationale des Archives de Télévision /...

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The DPC Competency Framework

The DPC Digital Preservation Competency Framework identifies and describes information on the skills, knowledge, and competencies required for successful digital preservation. It builds on previous work on identifying competencies for digital preservation and guidance from key models of good practice to provide a framework that is: Applicable for organizations of any size and in any sector. Able to support a range of workforce development activities. Preservation strategy and...

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EPISODE 1: Digital Preservation Futures with Ex Libris

When: Monday 9 May 2022, 13:00 - 14:00 UTC+1 (click for local times) Where: Zoom This series of webinars will showcase the product and service offerings of each of our DPC Supporters in turn in response to a current theme which reflects member interests.  DPC Supporter products and services form an important part of how we address the digital preservation challenge. This series aims to present - in the context of member concerns - a portion of the digital preservation marketplace...

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DPC and NDSA announce cooperation on awards programs

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) are delighted to announce an agreement for close coordination and cooperation on their respective Awards programs. While both organizations will continue with their own awards programs, the NDSA Excellence Awards will move from an annual to a biennial basis, interleaved with the DPC Digital Preservation Awards. Thus, each year the international digital preservation community can look forward to the...

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Digital Preservation Workflow Webinars and COW-a-thon

Free to attend and open to all, the Digital Preservation Workflow Webinar series will showcase just some of the digital preservation workflow processes developed and implemented by DPC Member institutions. Each speaker will present their workflow, which represents a part of the digital preservation process or a particular digital media or content type, before we open the floor for discussion and a chance to ask questions.

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Digital Preservation and Environmental Sustainability: Five Themes for the Future

[sigue la versión en español] In November I was invited to speak to the members of RIPDASA in Latin America on the theme of environmental sustainability and digital preservation. This presentation gave me scope to expand a short provocation given on the same theme on the fringes of COP26 which we have also published.  It is not exactly a deep dive, but more than a toe in the water.  You can also watch the video of the presentation which includes Spanish subtitles. Thank you...

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Update on the work of the PREMIS Editorial Committee

Karin Bredenberg, Marjolein Steeman, Tracy Meehleib are part of the PREMIS Editorial Committee First of all, thank you for the feedback you have given us in response to last year's call to action! We also want to express our big thank you for the Brazilian Portuguese translation of “Understanding PREMIS” and the updates made to all of the other translations! We’ve been busy putting your feedback recommendations into effect and it’s fair to say that 2021 has been a very productive...

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Digitisation and Digital Preservation journey at Unisa Library and Information Services

Ansie van der Westhuizen is Non-commercial Digital Developer (Institutional Repository) and Anri van der Westhuizen is Manager of Archives. They both work at the University of South Africa (Unisa). The Unisa Institutional Repository (UnisaIR) was launched in May 2009.  Challenges and barriers were the order of the day. During a conference in Senegal, Nkosi (2008) rightfully called these barriers by name: mistrust, resistance and lack of skills. At present the UnisaIR is...

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3D Data, CAD files and GIS Data: Three DPC Technology Watch Guidance Notes now available on general release

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has made the next three Technology Watch Guidance Notes in the new ‘Data Type’ series available on general release today. The topics covered in the set are: 3D Data, CAD files and GIS Data. Authored by staff at Artefactual Systems in collaboration with the DPC and developed in conjunction with the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, each of the Guidance Notes in the Data Type series is designed to provide a primer on the current state of community...

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DPC Rapid Assessment Model: New language versions now available!

[français à suivre / español a seguir / português a seguir] The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to share translations of its Rapid Assessment Model (RAM) in French, Portuguese and Spanish, with thanks to volunteer contributors around the world.

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Digital Preservation Procurement Toolkit v2.0

Use this to help deliver a successful procurement of third party digital preservation services or infrastructure This Toolkit does not aim to provide a guide to procurement itself, but instead to provide advice on how to get the best result possible out of a procurement process with a minimum of pain. It has been designed primarily for DPC Members who are procuring services, but it will also provide benefits to DPC Supporters by improving communication, clarity and efficiency throughout a...

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