Completed, inactive or superseded groups

External groups which have consulted DPC

The links here are to advisory groups, working groups, and task forces charged with a range of objectives but all broadly concerned with digital preservation issues. They all have involvement from DPC members.

  • Copyright and Licensing for Digital Preservation Project Advisory Group
    An eighteen month AHRB funded research project managed by the University of Loughborough. The project sought to investigate whether copyright legislation and licensed access to digital content threaten the ability of libraries to provide long-term access to that content and to suggest ways in which the problems can be overcome.
  • Experts Working Group on the Preservation of Digital Memory
    The experts workgroup was established following the International Conference in Firenze on 16/17 October 2003 in order to check the state-of-art and plan development as needed to implement the resolution principles. The workgroup is headed by the Erpanet and Minerva projects, under the chairing of the European Commission.
  • PADI International Advisory Group
    The Preserving Access to Digital Information (PADI) web site is a subject gateway to digital preservation resources. It has an associated discussion list padiforum-l for the exchange of news and ideas about digital preservation issues. The National Library of Australia, who host the PADI site, have a MOU with the DPC, and one of the outputs of this is the quarterly current awareness bulletin What's New In Digital Preservation? Available both from the DPC website and PADI. There is also DPC representation on PADI's International Advisory Group, established to provide advice and guidance for the PADI initiative.
  • PREMIS (PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies)
    This working group continues the effort of the OCLC/RLG Working group which developed the preservation metadata framework, using the metadata framework as a conceptual foundation and starting point for its work. The focus of the PREMIS group will be on the practical aspects of implementing preservation metadata in digital preservation systems.
  • RLG/NARA Task Force on Digital Repository Certification
    The purpose of the TF is to produce certification requirements for establishing and selecting reliable digital information repositories. This effort is part of ongoing work with the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) model, and RLG and NARA intend the results to go into the standardization process through the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) Archiving Series. A draft of the task force's certification report is now available from the RLG Digital Repository Certification page.