What is the Preservation Registries Special Interest Group?

The original idea of this group came out of the iPres 2022 “Registering our preservation intentions” workshop, where we proposed the idea of the Digital Preservation Coalition hosting an open ‘drop-in’ meeting for anyone interested in format and software registries.

To this end, we will run a monthly videoconference meeting that provides a space for to discuss anything and everything related to the maintenance and use of format registries in digital preservation.

At first, we’ll use this space to ask questions and gather feedback on the Registries of Good Practice project. We’ll also encourage attendees to share any updates on registries they depend on and/or maintain. Over time, we’ll see if a standing agenda emerges, and adapt the format to suit the needs of the attendees.

This is not intended to require any preparation or other significant commitment beyond simply attending the meetings, if you find them useful.

How can I get involved?

This is an open group - you don't have to be a DPC member to get involved. However, we need a reasonable private way to send our meeting invitations and videoconference details, so meeting announcements and coordination will be done via a dedicated email mailing list.

You can join or leave the DIGI-PRES-REGISTRIES@JISCMAIL.AC.UK mailing list using the web interface at: https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/DIGI-PRES-REGISTRIES

When does the group meet?

We will run two one hour 'drop-in' videoconferences on the first Thursday of every month, at 0900 UK time and 2100 UK time (so folks from different timezones get a chance to attend). Connection information will be distributed by email before the meeting via the DIGI-PRES-REGISTRIES@JISCMAIL.AC.UK mailing list mentioned above.

The first meeting will be on the 7th of March 2024. See here for more details.


Chair: Andrew Jackson

Deputy Chair: Paul Wheatley


The WG is established under the auspices of the DPC Executive Board. As such it will adopt the constitution, norms and values of the DPC. Consequently, within the terms of reference it will:

  • care for our members, resources, people and environment:
  • maintain neutrality in respect to solutions, approaches, sectors, suppliers and vendors.
  • be open, transparent and accountable to members.
  • amplify the needs and successes of our members.
  • be open to all stakeholders with a presumption of positive intent.
  • respond to the needs of members in the delivery of services.
  • be authoritative, current and concise in all our publications and communications.
  • be respectful, welcoming, inclusive and transparent in all our dealings.
  • be evidence-led, making effective use of data in decision making.

The WG will act on its values and be transparent with respect to how they are implemented.

The WG meets under the DPC’s Inclusion and Diversity policy. DPC is committed to being accessible to everyone who wishes to engage with the topic of digital preservation. Communities that fully embrace these values are shown to be more effective, innovative, and united. Therefore we expect participants to be positive, accepting, and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. Harassment of any member of the vommunity will not be tolerated and appropriate steps will be taken to deal with any such issues. For more information, see the DPC Inclusion and Diversity Policy.

Conflicts of interest and confidentiality

In discussion focused meetings, any conflicts of interest should be declared at the start of each
meeting, particularly if a potential conflict relates to the provision of preservation services.
Participants are encouraged to raise any concerns about conflicts of interest with the event leader or
Chairs. In exceptional circumstances the focus of a specific meeting
agenda may raise the potential for a significant conflict of interest. In this case it may be necessary
to restrict meeting attendance.

Discussions relating to particular people, organizations or products should be treated confidentially.


Each meeting will be advertised in advance.


The PR-SIG will be evaluated as part of the DPC’s overall and ongoing evaluation of its effectiveness.